
📗 Table of Contents

📖 mvrva-transport

This app is a desktop and mobile web application where a user can request for moving services by making a reservation for a particular service. The app has an admin section where the admin can add, edit and delete services. The app also has a user section where the user can view the services, make a reservation and delete that reservation.

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack


Key Features

  • Users can sign up and login.
  • Services page after login.
  • Details page for a particular service.
  • A user can reserve a certain service
  • Admin and user functionality for the app.

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🚀 Live Demo


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💻 Getting Started

Clone this repository to your desired folder:

git clone

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In order to run this project you need:

  • Link to front end part of the site FrontEnd
  • Ruby 3.1.2
  • Browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or any other browser)
  • Run Rails Server


Clone this repository to your dist folder:

git clone
cd mvrva-transport-back-end


Install this project with: bundle install

Delete the credentials.yml.enc and master.key(if present) file Create new master key and credential.yml.enc file by running the following command in the terminal: Git Bash command: EDITOR="code --wait", rails credentials:edit Save and close the credentials.yml.enc file and the master.key file will be created automatically.

Create Database: Git Bash Commands

  • rails db:create
  • rails db:migrate

Make sure that server is running = rails s


Use this project in the browsers of desktops and mobile devices

API Documentation

New User Registration user_registration POST

New User Session GET

Logout User DELETE

API Services

API Individual Service

API Reservations

API Individual Reservation

👥 Authors

👤 Victor Kanyi

👤 Vangelis Fotiades

👤 Robert Kanyoro

👤 Md Mahadi Hasan Rifat

👤 Al Amin Khan Shakil

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🔭 Future Features

  • Add user notifications feature.
  • Add user settings feature.
  • Add user account deletion feature.
  • Add user account activation feature.
  • Add user account deactivation feature.
  • Add user email verification feature.
  • Add user profile picture upload feature.
  • Add user profile picture delete feature.
  • Add more styling to the app.
  • Add payment feature.

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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Kanban Board

  • Visit the kanban board
  • link to initial kanban board: image
  • The final number of team members is 5

⭐️ Show your support

If you like this project, please let me know and we can improve it further. You are welcome to support this project by giving suggestions for improvement and leaving a star on the project.

🙏 Acknowledgments

We thank Murtk for the design of the frontend created for this project.
Acknowledgements and suggestions for improvement are always welcome

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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