This app is a desktop and mobile web application where a user can request for moving services by making a reservation for a particular service. The app has an admin section where the admin can add, edit and delete services. The app also has a user section where the user can view the services, make a reservation and delete that reservation.
- Users can sign up and login.
- Services page after login.
- Details page for a particular service.
- A user can reserve a certain service
- Admin and user functionality for the app.
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
git clone
In order to run this project you need:
- Link to front end part of the site FrontEnd
- Ruby 3.1.2
- Browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or any other browser)
- Run
Rails Server
Clone this repository to your dist folder:
git clone
cd mvrva-transport-back-end
Install this project with: bundle install
Delete the credentials.yml.enc and master.key(if present) file
Create new master key and credential.yml.enc file by running the following command in the terminal:
Git Bash command: EDITOR="code --wait", rails credentials:edit
Save and close the credentials.yml.enc file and the master.key file will be created automatically.
Create Database: Git Bash Commands
- rails db:create
- rails db:migrate
Make sure that server is running = rails s
Use this project in the browsers of desktops and mobile devices
New User Registration
user_registration POST
New User Session
Logout User
API Services
Get all service list
GET a new service
API Individual Service
Get specific service through id
GET specific service through id
API Reservations
Get all reservation list
GET a new reservation
API Individual Reservation
Get specific reservation through id
GET specific reservation through id
👤 Victor Kanyi
- GitHub: @jkanyi-web
- Twitter: @V_Kanyi
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
👤 Vangelis Fotiades
👤 Robert Kanyoro
- GitHub: @Kanyorok
- Twitter: @CarlosMbugua
- LinkedIn: Robert Mbugua
👤 Md Mahadi Hasan Rifat
- GitHub: (
- Twitter: (
- LinkedIn: (
👤 Al Amin Khan Shakil
- GitHub: Al Amin Khan Shakil
- Twitter: Al Amin Khan Shakil
- LinkedIn: Al Amin Khan Shakil
- Add user notifications feature.
- Add user settings feature.
- Add user account deletion feature.
- Add user account activation feature.
- Add user account deactivation feature.
- Add user email verification feature.
- Add user profile picture upload feature.
- Add user profile picture delete feature.
- Add more styling to the app.
- Add payment feature.
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
- Visit the kanban board
- link to initial kanban board:
- The final number of team members is 5
If you like this project, please let me know and we can improve it further. You are welcome to support this project by giving suggestions for improvement and leaving a star on the project.
We thank Murtk for the design of the frontend created for this project.
Acknowledgements and suggestions for improvement are always welcome
This project is MIT licensed.