Gene Set + S2G strategy annotations analyzed for disease architecture

Primary LanguageR

GSSG : Combine SNP-gene linking strategy with Gene Sets

A pipeline to perform the following steps.

  • Generate gene programs for analysis
  • Link SNPs to genes in a gene program to generate a genome-wide annotation
  • Perform disease heritability enrichment analysis using S-LDSC


If you use the data or code from this repository, please cite these following papers

Blood enhancer-regulated and master-regulator gene programs Dey, K.K., Gazal, S., van de Geijn, B., Kim, S.S., Nasser, J., Engreitz, J.M. and Price, A.L., 2022. SNP-to-gene linking strategies reveal contributions of enhancer-related and candidate master-regulator genes to autoimmune disease. Cell Genomics, 2(7), p.100145.

Cell-type gene programs (sc-linker) Jagadeesh, K.J.*, Dey, K.K.* et al bioRxiv. 2021. Identifying disease-critical cell types and cellular processes across the human body by integration of single-cell profiles and human genetics.Link

If you use the ABC S2G strategies please cite Nasser, J., Engreitz, J. et al. unpublished data. 2020. and Fulco et al, 2019. If you use PC-HiC S2G strategies, please cite Javierre et al 2016 Cell. If you use ATAC (Yoshida), cite Yoshida et al 2019 Cell. If you use Roadmap S2G links, cite the references here.

Code Tutorial

STEP 1: Generate a Gene Program

An example of how a gene program looks ( see demo ~/code/GeneSet_toS2G/Test_GeneSets/geneset_example.txt )

head -n 5 geneset_example.txt

FAM225B	0.00320672144802546
TBC1D23	0.0716823315695179

It is a 2 column file with the first column being the names of genes (HGNC names). If the gene names are in Emntrez or Ensembl, please convert them first to HGNC.

How to generate gene scores related to our papers?

code/calc_gene_scores : Directory with codes to generate gene programs

  • calc_gene_scores_enhancers.R: Generate enhancer-regulated gene scores in blood (Dey et al 2022 Cell Genomics)

  • calc_gene_scores_masterreg.R: Generate candidate master-regulator gene scores in blood (Dey et al 2022 Cell Genomics)

  • process_sclinker_output.R: Generate cell type programs from Alzheimers disease progression (sclinker pipeline)

code/calc_PPI_scores: Directory with codes to run PPI-informed gene programs

  • ppi_RWR.R: Gene Programs using Random Walk with Restart on a general edgelist graph, see example.R

  • ppi_string_RWR.R: Gene Programs using Random Walk with Restart on the STRING PPI network.

See genesets for all gene programs corresponding to Dey et al 2022 Cell Genomics and sclinker_genescores for all gene programs corresponding to Jagadeesh*, Dey* et al (sc-linker).

Illustration code for sclinker gene program generation

Rscript process_sclinker_output.R --inputcell sclinker --prefix Alzheimers --outcell sclinker_genescores

STEP 2: Gene set/program to SNP annotation

For this, download all contents in https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/LDSCORE/Dey_Enhancer_MasterReg/processed_data/ and https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/LDSCORE/Jagadeesh_Dey_sclinker/extras/ into the processed_data directory.

code/GeneSet_toS2G : Directory with codes to combine gene set with S2G strategy to create annotation

We first run the script that converts the gene set file to probabilistic .bed format files (bed-graph) for different S2G strategies.

First go to the folder

cd ~/GSSG/code/GeneSet_toS2G

STEP 2A: Gene sets to bedgraph format files using region-gene linking

For blood specific data (Dey et al 2020) with 10 different S2G strategies, run the following script

bash geneset_to_bed.sh $geneset_dir $bed_dir $geneset

For sc-linker (Jagadeesh, Dey et al 2021) with Roadmap-U-ABC enhancer-gene strategy for a tissue-specific enhancer, please run the following script

enhancer_tissue="BLD" (for blood, can also be "BRN", "GI", "LNG", "LIV", "KID", "SKIN",
                      "FAT", "HRT" for brain, intestine, lung, liver, kidney, skin, adipose and heart)
bash geneset_to_bed_sclinker.sh $geneset_dir $bed_dir $geneset $enhancer_tissue

Illustration code for sclinker gene program to bedgraph

Rscript geneset_to_bed_sclinker.R --genescore_dir sclinker_genescores/Alzheimers/ --bed_dir sclinker_beds/Alzheimers/ --anot_name Disease_Endothelial_L2 --enhancer BLD

STEP 2B: Cleaning the bedgraph format files

We postprocess the created bedgraph files by removing overlapping intervals. The user needs BEDTOOLS and BEDOPS for the following script. Check clean_bed.sh for details.

bash clean_bed.sh $bed_dir/$geneset 
bash clean_bed.sh $sclinker_beds/$celltype

Illustration code for sclinker cleaning of bedgraph files

bash clean_bed.sh sclinker_beds/Disease_Endothelial_L2

STEP 2C: From bedgraph to annotation files

Next we use a .bim file for a list of variants to annotate. We here use the .bim files widely used for S-LDSC analysis.

bash bed_to_annot.sh $bed_dir $bimfile_path $annot_path $geneset

If you processed the bed files with all blood S2G strategies Dey et al 2020) using geneset_to_bed.sh, then for the geneset_example.txt file, the above codes will create a folder structure of the form

- Test_Annots
  - geneset_example 
    - 100kb
    - 5kb
    - ABC
    - FinemapBloodeQTL (eQTL S2G in paper)
    - PCHiC
    - Roadmap_Enhancer
    - Yoshida (ATAC S2G in paper)

This includes 7 of 10 S2G strategies discussed in the manuscript. For the other strtegies, we look at TSS, Promoter and Coding regions for each gene set using the UCSC nomenclature and the already set-up baseline-LD model. For this, download the baseline-LD annotations from here https://data.broadinstitute.org/alkesgroup/LDSCORE/. Say these baseline-LD annotations are in a directory called baseline_cell.

Then run the following script to generate the S2G annotations for the remaining 3 strategies.

bash geneset_coding_tss_promoter.sh $annot_path $geneset $baseline_cell

If you processed the bed files with tissue-specific enhancer-gene S2G strategies (Jagadeesh, Dey et al 2021) using geneset_to_bed_sclinker.sh, then for the geneset_example.txt file, the above codes will create a folder structure of the form

- Test_Annots
  - geneset_example 
    - ABC_Road_{enhancer_tissue}
    - 100kb

Example code

Illustration code for sclinker generating annotation files

bash bed_to_annot.sh sclinker_beds processed_data/BIMS sclinker_annots Disease_Endothelial_L2

Disease heritability signal of annotations using S-LDSC

  1. For running the S-LDSC analysis, go to GSSG/code/ldsc.

    • create_ldscores.sh : Create LD-scores from a reference panel

    • run_ldsc_reg.sh: Run regression model in S-LDSC

For running these codes, you will need some files that you can save in two new directories - LDSC_PATH and SUMSTATS_PATH.

  1. Download the LDSC from git (https://github.com/bulik/ldsc/wiki/Partitioned-Heritability)
  2. Download the baselineLD_v2.1 annotations from Broad webpage (https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/LDSCORE/baselineLD_v2.1_annots/)
  3. Download 1000G plink files (https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/Variant_effects/1000G_EUR_Phase3_plink/)
  4. HAPMAP3 SNPs (https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/LDSCORE/hapmap3_snps.tgz)
  5. Download the weights file for 1000G (https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/LDSCORE/weights_hm3_no_hla.tgz)
  6. Download the baseline frq file for 1000G available (https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/LDSCORE/1000G_Phase3_frq.tgz)
  7. Download all sumstats you want to analyze and put them in SUMSTATS_PATH (https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/LDSCORE/all_sumstats/)

You can postprocess the LDSC output using following codes

  - `ldsc_postprocess_taustar.R`: calculate tau-star metric for S2G annotations of a gene set
  - `ldsc_postprocess_enrichment.R` : calculate the enrichment metric for S2G annotations of a gene set
  - `ldsc_postprocess_joint_taustar.R` : Joint S-LDSC analysis tau-star
  - `ldsc_postprocess_joint_enrichment.R` : Joint S-LDSC analysis enrichment 
  - `ldsc_postprocess_combined_taustar.R` : Compute combined tau-star metric for the annotations 

Gene Sets

Probabilistic gene sets (.txt files with 2 columns, first column gene symbol HGNC, the second symbol the probabilitic membership of the gene in the gene set. Equals to 1 for binary gene sets. Genes with 0 weight can be ignored)

  • Enhancer-driven gene scores: ABC9_G_top10_0_015.txt (ABC-distal), EDS_Binary_top10.txt (EDS-binary), eQTL_CTS_prob.txt (eQTL-CTS), Expecto_MVP.txt (ExPecto-MVP), HOMOD_prob.txt (ATAC-distal) PCHiC_binary.txt (PC-HiC-binary), SEG_GTEx_top10.txt (SEG-blood) [genesets/]

  • Master-regulator gene scores: master_regulator.txt (Trans-master), TF_genes_curated.txt (TF-genes) [genesets/]

  • PPI-informed gene scores: PPI_Enhancer.txt (PPI-enhancer), PPI_Master.txt (PPI-master), PPI_All.txt (PPI-all), PPI_control.txt (PPI-control) [genesets/]

  • Additional gene scores: pLI_genes2.txt (pLI), RegNet_Enhancer.txt (RegNet-Enhancer), Trans_Reg_genes.txt (Trans-regulated) [genesets/]

  • Example sc-linker gene scores: Alzheimeers disease progression example - all cell types (sclinker_genescores/Alzheimers)


All gene set-S2G annotations studied in the companion papers can be found at https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/LDSCORE/Dey_Enhancer_MasterReg/ (Dey et al Cell Genomics 2022) and https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/LDSCORE/Jagadeesh_Dey_sclinker/ (Jagadeesh*, Dey* et al, to appear, Nat Genet).

How to use these annotations?

ANNOT FILE header (*.annot):

CHR -- chromosome
BP -- physical position (base pairs)
SNP -- SNP identifier (rs number)
CM -- genetic position (centimorgans)
all additional columns -- Annotations

NOTE: Although one would expect the genetic position to be non-negative for all 1000G SNPs, we have checked that in fact the genetic position is negative for a handful of 1000G SNPs that have a physical position that is smaller than the smallest physical position in the genetic map. The genetic positions were obtained by running PLINK on the Oxford genetic map (http://www.shapeit.fr/files/genetic_map_b37.tar.gz).

MORE DETAIL CAN BE OBTAINED FROM https://github.com/bulik/ldsc/wiki/LD-File-Formats

LD SCORE FILE header (*.l2.ldscore):

CHR -- chromosome
BP -- physical position (base pairs)
SNP -- SNP identifier (rs number)
all additional columns -- LD Scores


In case of any questions, please open an issue or send an email to me at kdey@hsph.harvard.edu.