DataDx Report Definitions

Report Name Description
Adjustments Represents the value of services performed for which payment is not expected, such as third-party contractual adjustments, write-offs, charitable, professional courtesy or employee adjustments.
Accounts Receivable Aging Shows the unpaid invoice balances along with the duration for which they've been outstanding. This report helps businesses identify invoices that are open and allows them to keep on top of slow paying clients.
Financial Performance The financial performance report displays 5 key trends and ratios for measuring Charges, Net Collections, and Expenses for the selected time range and report filters. Where data is available, the Financial Performance Report allows filtering of measures by Facility (location), Provider, Specialty, or Department.
Income Statement The Income Statement report, also known as the Profit and Loss (P&L) report, shows revenue, expense, and net income trends and account data for the selected date range.
Monthly Statement The Monthly Statement Report displays a calendar style view of key production data and can be used to answer questions related to physician compensation or provider/clinic capacity. This report helps visualize average cost per day, revenue per day, and capacity per day. This helps them realize highs and lows throughout their practice.
Patients The Patients Report displays patient demographic information (distribution of patient age at time of visit, and distribution of patient home zip codes at time of visit) for the selected date range or filter in the visuals and table located on the report page. Where data is available the Patients Report allows filtering of measures by Facility (location), Provider, Specialty, or Department.
Payor Analysis The Payor Analysis Report displays a summary level view of key payor mix stats (patient Visits by Payor, wRVUs by Payor, and Net Collections by Payor) for the selected date range or filter in the donut graphs on the top of the report page. Where data is available, the Payor Analysis Report allows filtering of visuals by Payor Group, Facility (location), Provider, Specialty, Department, or CPT Code.
Physician Compensation The Physician Compensation Module is custom built to meet the exact specifications of the clinic’s compensation calculation. Having your provider compensation automated eliminates manual data entry errors that can result in mistakes in payroll. Additionally, physicians can see in real-time what their compensation will be, rather than waiting until comp is calculated manually.
Provider Benchmarks The Provider Benchmarks Report displays a summary level view of four key provider productivity stats (wRVUs, Visits, Panel Size, and Net Collections) for the selected date range or filter in the graphs and tables provided on the report page. Comparison to 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile benchmarks are displayed in bar and line chart. Variance to median calculation is performed in benchmark table. Where data is available the Provider Benchmarks Report allows filtering of visuals by Provider, or Organization Specialty.
Provider Productivity The Provider Productivity Report displays a summary level view of key stats (Gross Charges, Net Collections, Patients, Days Worked, wRVUs, and Total RVUs) for the selected date range or filter in the tiles on the top of the report page.
Visits The Visits Report displays a summary level view of key stats (New Patient Visits, Percentage of New Patient Visits, Established Patient Visits, Percentage of Established Patient Visits, No Charge Visits, and Total Visits) for the selected date range or filter in the tiles on the top of the report page. The ribbon chart in the middle of the report page displays the Top 5 CPT codes by payments. The bar charts on the bottom of the report page show the coding distribution of New Patient Visits and Established Patient Visits by CPT Code.
Glossary All field definitions

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Report Description
Represents the value of services performed for which payment is not expected, such as third-party contractual adjustments, write-offs, charitable, professional courtesy or employee adjustments.
Default Date Range
Last 12 months
Original Data Source
Electronic Health Record Systems, Practice Managment Systems, and/or Billing Software
Fields and Definitions (click for definition)
% Adjustments to Charges
CPT Code

Accounts Receivable Aging

Report Description
Shows the unpaid invoice balances along with the duration for which they've been outstanding. This report helps businesses identify invoices that are open and allows them to keep on top of slow paying clients.
Default Date Range
Last 12 months
Original Data Source
Electronic Health Record Systems, Practice Managment Systems, and/or Billing Software
Fields and Definitions (click for definition)
Amount Adjusted
Amount Charged
Amount Collected
Client ID
CPT Code
Days Since Last Billed
Month Posted
Outstanding Balance
Percent Adjusted
Percent Outstanding
Primary Insurance
Service Date
Transaction Voided
Units Charged

Financial Performance

Report Description
The financial performance report displays 5 key trends and ratios for measuring Charges, Net Collections, and Expenses for the selected time range and report filters. Where data is available, the Financial Performance Report allows filtering of measures by Facility (location), Provider, Specialty, or Department.
Default Date Range
Last 12 months
Original Data Source
Accounting Software, Electronic Health Record Systems, and/or Practice Management Systems
Fields and Definitions (click for definition)
Charges per Provider
Charges per Total RVU
Charges per Visit
Charges per WorkRVU
CPT Code
Expenses per Provider
Expenses per Visit
Expenses per Work RVU Expenses
Location Name
Net Collections per Provider
Net Collections per Total RVU
Net Collections per Visit
Net Collections per Work RVU
Net Collections
Provider Name
Provider Specialty
PY Charges per Provider
PY Charges per Total RVU
PY Charges per Visit
PY Charges per Work RVU
PY Charges

Income Statement

Report Description
The Income Statement report, also known as the Profit and Loss (P&L) report, shows revenue, expense, and net income trends and account data for the selected date range.
Default Date Range
Last 12 months
Original Data Source
Accounting Software, Electronic Health Record Systems, and/or Practice Management Systems
Fields and Definitions (click for definition)
Client Account Name
DataDx Rollup Account
Location Name
Net GL Amount
Net Income
Provider Name
Provider Specialty

Monthly Statement

Report Description
The Monthly Statement Report displays a calendar style view of key production data and can be used to answer questions related to physician compensation or provider/clinic capacity. This report helps visualize average cost per day, revenue per day, and capacity per day. This helps them realize highs and lows throughout their practice.
Default Date Range
Current Calender Year Month
Original Data Source
Accounting Software, Electronic Health Record Systems, and/or Practice Management Systems
Fields and Definitions (click for definition)
Location Name
Net Collections
Professional Collections
Provider Name
Provider Specialty
PY Net Collections
PY Net Collections per Visit
PY Professional Collections
Total RVU
Work RVU


Report Description
The Patients Report displays patient demographic information (distribution of patient age at time of visit, and distribution of patient home zip codes at time of visit) for the selected date range or filter in the visuals and table located on the report page. Where data is available the Patients Report allows filtering of measures by Facility (location), Provider, Specialty, or Department.
Default Date Range
Last 12 months
Original Data Source
Electronic Health Record Systems and/or Practice Management Systems
Fields and Definitions (click for definition)
CPT Code
Location Name
Patient Age Category
Patient Visits
Provider Name
Provider Specialty

Payor Analysis

Report Description
The Payor Analysis Report displays a summary level view of key payor mix stats (patient Visits by Payor, wRVUs by Payor, and Net Collections by Payor) for the selected date range or filter in the donut graphs on the top of the report page. Where data is available, the Payor Analysis Report allows filtering of visuals by Payor Group, Facility (location), Provider, Specialty, Department, or CPT Code.
Default Date Range
Last 12 months
Original Data Source
Electronic Health Record Systems and/or Practice Management Systems
Fields and Definitions (click for definition)
% Visits by Payor CalenderYearMonth
CPT Code
Location Name
Net Collections
Patient Visits
Payor Group
Provider Name
Provider Specialty
Work RVU

Physician Compensation

Report Description
Physician Compensation Description
Default Date Range
Current month
Original Data Source
Accounting Software, Electronic Health Record Systems, and/or Practice Management Systems
Fields and Definitions (click for definition)
Account Name
Buy-In Expense
Distribution Income
Doctor-Specific Expense
Drug Income
Lab Expense
Other Income
Production Adjustments
Production Percent
Provider Name
PY Drug Income
PY Expenses
PY Income
PY Production Adjustments
PY Refunds
PY Retained Earnings
PY Six Month Sum
PY Special Lab
PY Take Home Pay
Retained Earnings
Six Month Sum
Standard Expense
Special Lab
Take Home Pay
Total Distribution
Total Expenses
Total Income

Provider Productivity

Report Description
The Provider Productivity Report displays a summary level view of key stats (Gross Charges, Net Collections, Patients, Days Worked, wRVUs, and Total RVUs) for the selected date range or filter in the tiles on the top of the report page.
Default Date Range
Last 6 months
Original Data Source
Electronic Health Record Systems and/or Practice Management Systems
Fields and Definitions (click for definition)
Days Worked
Department Name
Gross Charges
Location Name
Net Collections per Total RVU
Net Collections per Work RVU
Patients per Day
Professional Collections per Total RVU
Professional Collections per Work RVU
Provider Name
Provider Specialty
Total RVU
Total RVU per E&M Patient
Work RVU
Work RVU per E&M Patient


Report Description
The Visits Report displays a summary level view of key stats (New Patient Visits, Percentage of New Patient Visits, Established Patient Visits, Percentage of Established Patient Visits, No Charge Visits, and Total Visits) for the selected date range or filter in the tiles on the top of the report page. The ribbon chart in the middle of the report page displays the Top 5 CPT codes by payments. The bar charts on the bottom of the report page show the coding distribution of New Patient Visits and Established Patient Visits by CPT Code.
Default Date Range
Last 12 months
Original Data Source
Electronic Health Record Systems and/or Practice Management Systems
Fields and Definitions (click for definition)
% Established Visits % New Visits
CPT Code
Established Patient Visits
Location Name
Net Collections
New Patient Visits
No Charge Visits
Provider Name
Provider Specialty
Total Visits


% Adjustments to Charges

(Adjustments / Charges) * 100

% Established Visits

(Established Visits / New and Established Visits) * 100

% New Visits

(New Visits / New and Established Visits) * 100

% Visits by Payor

(Visits by Payor / New and Established Visits) * 100

Account Name

Name of the account, e.g., Payroll, Lab Equipment, Supplies, Marketing.

Accounts Receivable

Provides the information regarding the age of your practice's accounts receivable (to the nearest whole dollar). Does not include accounts that have been assigned to collection agencies.


Adjustments, or write-off's, are the dollars that are adjusted off a patient account for any reason. The Contractual Adjustment is the most common type of adjustment.

Adjustments per Provider

Adjustments / Provider

Adjustments per Total RVU

Adjustments / Total RVU

Adjustments per Visit

Adjustments / Visit

Adjustments per Work RVU

Adjustments / Work RVU


he quantity in dollars of a patient transaction or accounting entry.

Amount Adjusted

Amount Charged

Amount Collected

Buy-In Expense

Some partners have drug buy-ins that are subtracted from their take-home pay and distributed among the other partners.
(Drug Expense * Production Percent) + Individual Buy-In Amount


Used to show trends over time by quarter.


Used to show trends over time by month.


The amount of money a doctor or supplier charges for a certain medical service or supply.

Charges per Provider

Charges / Provider

Charges per TotalRVU

Charges / Total RVU

Charges per Visit

Charges / Visit

Charges per WorkRVU

Charges / WorkRVU

Client ID

CPT Code

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is a medical code set that is used to report medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures and services to entities such as physicians, health insurance companies and accreditation organizations.

Credit Amount

A credit is an accounting entry that either increases a liability or equity account, or decreases an asset or expense account.


Payor type, e.g., Medicaid, Medicare, Commercial.

Days Since Last Billed

Days Worked

The number of days worked by provider(s) in the practice.

Debit Amount

A debit is an accounting entry that either increases an asset or expense account, or decreases a liability or equity account.


The specific department of the practice, e.g., Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics.

Distribution Income

Clinic profit available for owner distribution.
Income - Expenses

Doctor-Specific Expense

These accounts have specific expenses that need to be directly attributed to the corresponding partner in addition to generic expenses that are split amongst all partners according to production percent.
((Generic Expense – Doctor-Specific Expense Total) * Production Percent) + Doctor-Specific Expense


Direct draws against a physician’s Take-Home Pay that fall into the following categories: Health Insurance (Medical, Dental, Vision), Disability Insurance, H.S.A., Pioneer Trust, Retirement, Retirement Savings, Misc (Cafeteria, PAC Donation).

Drug Income

The total amount of income from drugs is distributed according to each partner’s Production Percent.

Established Patient Visits

Number of visits of patients whom have received professional services from the physician or another physician in the same group and the same specialty within the prior three years


Expenses from all sources

Expenses per Provider

Expenses / Provider

Expenses per Total RVU

Expenses / RVU

Expenses Per Visit

Expenses / Visit

Expenses per Work RVU

Expenses / RVU

Location Name

The location where service was rendered, e.g., Surgery, Hospital, Clinic.

Malpractice RVU

Account for the cost of malpractice insurance for the physician and/or the practice.

Month Posted

Net Collections

A measure of a medical practice's effectiveness in collecting reimbursement dollars. It's calculated by dividing payments received from agreed-upon fees charged

Net Collections per Patient

Net Collections / Patient

Net Collections per Provider

Net Collections / Provider

Net Collections per Total RVU

Net Collections / Total RVU

Net Collections per Visit

Net Collections / Visit

Net Collections per Work RVU

Net Collections / Work RVU

Net GL Amount

The Sum of Credit Amount and Debit Amount for a particular General Ledger account.

Net Income

Calculated as revenues minus expenses, interest, and taxes.
Revenue - Expenses

New and Established Patient Visits

New Patient Visits + Established Patient Visits

New Patient Visits

Number of visits of patients whom have not received any professional services from the physician, or another physician of the same specialty who belongs to the same group practice, within the past three years

No Charge Patient Visits


Other Income

All transaction payments not related to drugs are distributed according to Production Percent. However, lab payments related to Medicare and Medicaid patients are also be removed and added back in as an equal distribution among all providers.
(Non-Drug Payments - Special Lab Payments) * Production Percent

Outstanding Balance

Patient Age Category

Patient age categories are 19 & less, 20-39, 40-59, 60-64, and over 64.

Patient Visits

An instance of direct provider to patient interaction, regardless of setting (including tele-visits and e-visits), between a patient and a healthcare provider who is vested with the primary responsibility of diagnosing, evaluating, and/or treating the patient's condition, where the provider exercises clinical judgment that may or may not be billable.

Patients per Day


The type of Payor, e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial, Private Pay.

Payor Group

A selection of one or more Payor/s

Percent Adjusted

Percent Outstanding

Practice Expense RVU

Accounts for the labor and expenses of the practice itself, like the office, staff, materials, and equipment. Generally, medical services that happen in a hospital have a lower practice expense RVU than those that happen in offices or clinics, because hospitals will incur some expenses themselves.

Primary Insurance

Production Adjustments

Start with a sum of all non-drug-related transaction charges where the partner was listed as the Patient Responsible Provider, but a different physician was listed as the Provider on Ticket. Then subtract any non-drug-related transactions where the partner was listed as the Provider on Ticket, but a different physician was listed as the Patient Responsible Provider. Add back in any non-drug-related charges where the partner was listed as the Provider on Ticket, and a non-partner was the other physician listed as the Patient Responsible Provider. Finally, any non-drug-related transactions where a non-partner is listed as both the Patient Responsible Provider and the Provider on Ticket is distributed equally among all providers.

Production Charges

Sum of all non-drug-related transactions with the partner listed as the 'Provider on Ticket'.

Production Percent

An estimate of the amount of business that is generated for the clinic by each partner. It is calculated as the percent of non-drug-related charges that each partner generates. Charges generated by non-partners are attributed based on the responsible provider in the patient’s record. If the responsible provider is also not a partner, the charge is distributed equally among all providers. To avoid one month drastically changing a partner’s production percent, the final production percent is based on the aggregated six month value for an individual partner divided by the aggregated six month value for all partners.
Sum of Individual Amounts Over 6 Months / Sum of Total Amounts Over 6 Months

Professional Collections

Net Collections * (Work RVU / Total RVU)

Professional Collections per Total RVU

Net Collections / Total RVU

Professional Collections per Work RVU

Net Collections / Work RVU


The rendering provider.

Provider Name

A selection of one or more providers to view in a measure.

Provider Specialty

The specialty of the provider, e.g., Pediatric, Dental, Skin.

PY Charges

Charges - 1 year

PY Charges per Provider

(Charges - 1 year) / Provider

PY Charges per Total RVU

(Charges - 1 year) / Total RVU

PY Charges per Visit

(Charges - 1 year) / Visit

PY Charges per WorkRVU

(Charges - 1 year) / Work RVU

PY Expenses

Expenses - 1 year

PY Expenses per Provider

(Expenses - 1 year) / Provider

PY Expenses per Total RVU

(Expenses - 1 year) / RVU

PY Expenses per Visit

(Expenses - 1 year) / Visit

PY Expenses per Work RVU

(Expenses - 1 year)/ RVU

PY Net Collections

Net Collections - 1 year

PY Net Collections per Provider

(Net Collections - 1 year) / Provider

PY Net Collections per Total RVU

(Net Collections - 1 year) / Total RVU

PY Net Collections per Visit

(Net Collections - 1 year) / Visit

PY Net Collections per Work RVU

(Net Collections - 1 year) / Work RVU

PY Professional Collections

PY Visit w Transactions


Refund amounts from Sage, allocated by production percent.
Refund Amount * Production Percent


Relative Value Unit is a measure of value, or the relative resource intensity, of providing a medical service that is used by Medicare and other insurance carriers to reimburse for physician services.

Retained Earnings

If the clinic decides to retain a certain amount of reserve savings in a month, this total amount is distributed as an expense across all partners according to their production percent. The amount of retained earnings chosen is a combination of a formula based on income and expenses combined with a base amount chosen by OOS staff.


Income, especially when of a company or organization and of a substantial nature.

Six Month Sum

The aggregated six month Production Charges.

Service Date

Special Lab

Lab expenses related to Medicare & Medicaid are distributed equally among all partners.
(Special Lab Expenses * Special Lab Percent) / Number of Partners

Standard Expense

Each expense account that does not have a doctor-specific, lab, or buy-in calculation associated with it is distributed amongst partners according to their production percent.

Take Home Pay

The actual amount that is earned by a physician in a month. It is a combination of the total amount of income brought in by the partner, minus the total amount of expenses incurred by the clinic on the partner’s behalf.
Income - Expenses - Retained Earnings - Special Lab - Draws

Total Distribution

Profit minus retained earnings.
Distribution Income - Retained Earnings

Total RVU

Relative Value Units for the "physician work RVUs," "practice expense," and "malpractice RVUs," including any adjustments made as a result of modifier usage.

Total RVU per Patient

Total RVU / Unique Patient Count

Total Visit Charges

Total Visit Net Collections

Total Visit Work RVU

Trans Amount

Transaction Voided

Unique Patients Count-Trans Fact

Unique Patients Count-Visits Fact

Units Charged

Visits w transactions

Work RVU

Relative Value Units for the "physician work RVUs" only; including any adjustments made as a result of modifier usage. A work relative value unit (wRVU) is a non-monetary unit of measure that indicates the professional value of services provided by a physician or allied healthcare professional.

Work RVU per Patient

Work RVU / Unique Patient Count

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