The following are the user stories for the application:
User stories for phase 1:
As a user, I want to be able to add a new patient to the patient database
As a user, I want to be able view the patient records in the patient database
As a user, I want to be able to edit the names of the patients in the database
As a user, I want to be able to remove a patient from the patient database
User stories for phase 2:
As a user, I want be able to save the patient records to file.
As a user, I want to be able to load the patient records from the file.
As a user, I want to be prompted to save the patient records to file when I quit.
As a user, I want to have the saved patient records already loaded when I start the application.
I have chosen to implement the map interface in my project.
I use a HashMap<> to implement the map interface.
PatientRecords class contains the primary implementation of this interface.
I could have extracted 'submit' operations under one method and then called this method inside the OperationsPanel constructor, increasing cohesion and readability.
I could have also extracted the dimensional constrains inside Operations panel constructor under one method and called this method from inside the constructor, increasing cohesion and readability.
I could have moved operations related to resizing window under a method and then called this method inside the patient database graphical user interface constructor. This would have increased cohesion and readability.
I could have moved the methods related to user operations in patient database graphical user interface class to operations panel class and then called them inside patient database gui as required. This would have increased cohesion.
I could have extracted a method from command add and command edit methods that checks for user input validity as an integer inside patient database and patient database gui classes. This would have reduced coupling.