
This project was about working with Web APIs and asynchronous code, creating a web app that uses OpenWeatherMap API to get weather based on user's location, and dynamically update UI.

Primary LanguageHTML

Weather API Async App with ExpressJS

Project Objective

This project was about working with Web APIs and asynchronous code, creating a web app that uses OpenWeatherMap API to get weather based on user's location, and dynamically update UI.


To get the project up and running I followed these steps:

  1. Setting up project environment, making sure I have Node and packages installed, and included in my server.js file.
  2. Added POST and GET routes to ensure correct retrieval of data from the server.
  3. Acquired API credentials from OpenWeatherMap website.
  4. Created async functions to fetch weather data and store it on my local server.
  5. Set up a function that updated UI dynamically.