
Adding a customizable formatters for Ougai library

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A fully customizable formatters for Ougai library. Customization is about formatting and colorization


Ougai log printing can be split in three components:

  1. Main log message: usually timestamp, log severity and a message
  2. Data: the structured logging, represented by a Hash
  3. Errors


Each part of the main log message can be colored independently. Colorization can be extended to custom formatters as well.


In your Gemfile, add ougai-formatters-customizable and its dependencies:

gem 'amazing_print'
gem 'ougai'
gem 'ougai-formatters-customizable'

Then initialize a formatter and assign it to your logger:

formatter           = Ougai::Formatters::Customizable.new
# See Ougai documentation about how to initialize a Ougai logger
logger.formatter    = formatter

The default Customizable configuration is exactly identical to a Ougai::Formatters::Readable as-of Ougai 1.7.0.

Datetime format

Inherited from Ruby logger formatters, you can assign a datetime format:

formatter.datetime_format = '%H:%M:%S.%L' # print time only such as '15:42:36.246'

Message formatter: format_msg

Main log message formatter is a proc which takes four arguments:

  • [String] severity: log severity. Is in capital letters
  • [String] datetime: log timestamp. Is already formatted according to datetime_format. Has to be treated like a String
  • [String] progname: optional program name
  • [Hash] data: structured log data. The main message is logged under the :msg key.

Custom message formatter can be assigned at initialization via the key format_msg:

formatter = Ougai::Formatters::Customizable.new(
    format_msg: proc do |severity, datetime, _progname, data|
        msg = data.delete(:msg)
        format('%s %s: %s', severity, datetime, msg)


  • It is recommended that this proc removes the :msg key from data to avoid duplicates
  • Although not mandatory, this formatter aims at outputting a single line String

Data formatter: format_data

Data formatter is a proc which takes only data as argument. Custom data formatter can be assigned at initialization via format_data key:

formatter = Ougai::Formatters::Customizable.new(
    format_data: proc do |data|
        data.ai # Amazing-print printing


  • Data formatter must return nil if data is empty.
  • Default data formatter takes the excluded_fields option into account. You need to add it to your custom formatter if you want to keep it.

Error formatter: format_err

Error formatter is a proc with only data as argument and can be assigned at initialization via the format_err key:

formatter = Ougai::Formatters::Customizable.new(
    format_err: proc do |data|
        next nil unless data.key?(:err)

        err = data.delete(:err)
        "  #{err[:name]} (#{err[:message]})"


  • Error formatter must return nil if data does not contain the :err key
  • Error formatter must remove :err key
  • Default error formatter takes the trace_indent option into account. You need to add it to your custom formatter if you want to keep it


Colorization is handled by an instance of Ougai::Formatters::Colors::Configuration and is basically a mapping subject => value to define the colors. Default subject are:

  • :severity: log severity coloring
  • :datetime: datetime coloring
  • :msg: log main message coloring

You can add your own subject if you need it in your custom formatters.

Values can have three types:

  • String: this color is applied to the subject regardless the situation
  • Hash: the color is defined by log severity. Non defined severity colors are fetched from the default severity
  • Symbol: the color is copied from the referenced symbol


color_configuration = Ougai::Formatters::Colors::Configuration.new(
    severity: {
      trace:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::WHITE,
      debug:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::GREEN,
      info:     Ougai::Formatters::Colors::CYAN,
      warn:     Ougai::Formatters::Colors::YELLOW,
      error:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::RED,
      fatal:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::PURPLE
    msg: :severity,
    datetime: {
      default:  Ougai::Formatters::Colors::PURPLE,
      error:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::RED,
      fatal:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::RED
    custom:     Ougai::Formatters::Colors::BLUE
  • Severity has a different color dependending on log severity
  • Main log message color is identical to severity color
  • Datetime has a red color for error and fatal logs. Otherwise it is colored in purple.
  • A custom subject is always colored in blue regardless log severity


  • If :severity is not defined, it is loaded from a default configuration
  • If :severity is partially defined, missing severities are fetched from default configuration
  • Circular references are not checked and infinite loops can then be triggered.


Lograge / Lograge-sql

I initially made this gem to couple Ougai with lograge/lograge-sql. Lograge logs has to be formatted in a way so that our custom formatters can catch it:

# config/initializers/lograge.rb
config.lograge.formatter = Class.new do |fmt|
    def fmt.call(data)
        { request: data }

I chose this format because I am also using Loggly and it is pretty convenient to filter by json.request.* to fetch Lograge logs.

If using lograge-sql, make sure that Lograge format it as a Hash so that we can leverage our main message formatter and data formatter:

# config/initializers/lograge.rb
  config.lograge_sql.extract_event = proc do |event|
      name: event.payload[:name],
      duration: event.duration.to_f.round(2),
      sql: event.payload[:sql]
  config.lograge_sql.formatter = proc do |sql_queries|

Wrap everything together example:

# Define our colors
color_configuration = Ougai::Formatters::Colors::Configuration.new(
    severity: {
      trace:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::WHITE,
      debug:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::GREEN,
      info:     Ougai::Formatters::Colors::CYAN,
      warn:     Ougai::Formatters::Colors::YELLOW,
      error:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::RED,
      fatal:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::PURPLE
    msg: :severity,
    datetime: {
      default:  Ougai::Formatters::Colors::PURPLE,
      error:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::RED,
      fatal:    Ougai::Formatters::Colors::RED

# Lograge specific configuration
EXCLUDED_FIELD = [:credit_card] # example only
LOGRAGE_REJECT = [:sql_queries, :sql_queries_count]

# Console formatter configuration
console_formatter = Ougai::Formatters::Customizable.new(
    format_msg: proc do |severity, datetime, _progname, data|
        # Remove :msg regardless the outcome
        msg = data.delete(:msg)
        # Lograge specfic stuff: do not print sql queries in main log message
        if data.key?(:request)
            lograge = data[:request].reject { |k, _v| LOGRAGE_REJECT.include?(k) }
                                    .map { |key, val| "#{key}: #{val}" }
                                    .join(', ')
            msg = color_config.color(:msg, lograge, severity)
        # Standard text
            msg = color_config.color(:msg, msg, severity)

        # Standardize output
        format('%s %s: %s',
                color_config.color(:severity, severity, severity),
                color_config.color(:datetime, datetime, severity),
    format_data: proc do |data|
        # Lograge specfic stuff: main controller output handled by msg formatter
        if data.key?(:request)
            lograge_data = data[:request]
            # concatenate SQL queries
            if lograge_data.key?(:sql_queries)
                lograge_data[:sql_queries].map do |sql_query|
                    format('%<duration>6.2fms %<name>25s %<sql>s', sql_query)
            # no queries: nothing to print
        # Default styling
            # report excluded field parameter here: no need to add it to options
            EXCLUDED_FIELD.each { |field| data.delete(field) }
            next nil if data.empty?

            # report plain parameter here: no need to add it to options
            data.ai(plain: false)
console_formatter.datetime_format = '%H:%M:%S.%L' # local development: need only time

# Define console logger
console_logger            = Log::Ougai::Logger.new(STDOUT)
console_logger.formatter  = console_formatter

# Not this gem related: define file logger
file_logger               = Log::Ougai::Logger.new(Rails.root.join('log/ougai.log'))
file_logger.formatter     = Ougai::Formatters::Bunyan.new

# Extend console logger to file logger

# Assign Ougai logger
config.logger = console_logger

Output looks like Screenshot


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Al-un/ougai-formatters-customizable.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.