
Example code and applications for machine learning on Graphcore IPUs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Graphcore code examples

This repository contains sample applications and code examples for use with Graphcore IPUs.

If you are interested in finding out more about Graphcore, including getting preview access to IPUs to run these examples, please register your interest here.

Please note we are not currently accepting pull requests or issues on this repository. If you are actively using this repository and want to report any issues, please raise a ticket through the Graphcore support portal: https://www.graphcore.ai/support.

The latest version of the documentation for the Poplar software stack, and other developer resources, is available at https://www.graphcore.ai/developer.

The code presented here requires using Poplar SDK 2.4.x

Please install and enable the Poplar SDK following the instructions in the Getting Started guide for your IPU system.

Unless otherwise specified by a LICENSE file in a subdirectory, the LICENSE referenced at the top level applies to the files in this repository.

Repository contents

Application examples

The applications/ folder contains example applications written in different frameworks targeting the IPU. See the READMEs in each folder for details on how to use these applications.

Model Domain Type Links
ResNet Image Classifcation Training & Inference TensorFlow 1 , TensorFlow 2, PyTorch
ResNeXt Image Classifcation Training & Inference TensorFlow 1 , PopART (Inference)
EfficientNet Image Classifcation Training & Inference TensorFlow 1 , PyTorch
MobileNet Image Classifcation Inference TensorFlow 1
MobileNetv2 Image Classifcation Inference TensorFlow 1
MobileNetv3 Image Classifcation Training & Inference PyTorch
ViT(Vision Transformer) Image Classifcation Training PyTorch
Yolov3 Object Detection Training & Inference TensorFlow 1
Yolov4-P5 Object Detection Inference PyTorch
Faster RCNN Object Detection Training & Inference PopART
UNet (Medical) Image segmentation Training & Inference TensorFlow 2
miniDALL-E Generative model in Vision Training & Inference PyTorch
BERT NLP Training & Inference TensorFlow 1 , PyTorch , PopART, TensorFlow 2
DeepVoice3 TTS (TextToSpeech) Training & Inference PopART
FastSpeech2 TTS(TextToSpeech) Training & Inference TensorFlow 2
Conformer STT(SpeechToText) Training & Inference PopART
Conformer with Transformer STT(SpeechToText) Training & Inference TensorFlow 1
Transfomer Transducer STT(SpeechToText) Training & Inference PopART
TGN (Temporal Graph Network) GNN Training & Inference TensorFlow 1
MPNN (Message Passing Neural Networks) GNN Training & Inference TensorFlow 2
Deep AutoEncoders for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems Training & Inference TensorFlow 1
Click through rate: Deep Interest Network Recommender Systems Training & Inference TensorFlow 1
Click through rate: Deep Interest Evolution Network Recommender Systems Training & Inference TensorFlow 1
RL Policy model Reinforcement Learning Training TensorFlow 1
MNIST RigL Dynamic Sparsity Training TensorFlow 1
Autoregressive Language Modelling Dynamic Sparsity Training TensorFlow 1
Sales forecasting MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) Training TensorFlow 1
Contrastive Divergence VAE using MCMC methods Generative Model Training TensorFlow 1
Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Vision Inference Poplar

Code examples

The code_examples/ folder contains smaller models and code examples. See the READMEs in each folder for details.


Tutorials and further code examples can be found in our dedicated Tutorials repository.


The utils/ folder contains utilities libraries and scripts that are used across the other code examples. This includes:

  • utils/examples_tests - Common Python helper functions for the repository's unit tests.
  • utils/benchmarks - Common Python helper functions for running benchmarks on the IPU in different frameworks.


December 2021:

  • Added those models below to reference models
    • Vision : miniDALL-E(PyTorch), Faster RCNN(PopART), UNet(TensorFlow 2), ResNet50(TensorFlow 2)
    • NLP : BERT(TensorFlow 2)
    • TTS/STT : FastSpeech2(TensorFlow 2), Transfomer Transducer(PopART), Conformer with Transformer(PyTorch)
    • GNN : TGN(TensorFlow1), MPNN(TensorFlow 2)