FABIR is a reading comprehension model introduced in this IJCNN 2018 paper. It was designed for the SQuAD dataset with the goal of achieving low training and inference times, being at least 5 times faster than competing models. FABIR was inspired by Google's transformer and includes no recurrence. It is a simple feedforward network made powerful by attention mechanisms.
- gloves: https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glove/ - Currently using only the 6B corpus
- json
- numpy (punkt)
- nltk
- pandas
- tensorflow 1.5 (FABIR does not support later versions yet)
- tqdm
If you find FABIR useful please cite us in your work:
author = {Correia, Alvaro H. C. and Silva, Jorge L. M. and De Martins, C. Thiago and Cozman, G. Fabio},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks},
pages = {2799--2806},
publisher = {IEEE},
title = {A Fully Attention-Based Information Retriever},
year = {2018}