
Sripts meant to facilitate day to day admnistration

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Sripts meant to facilitate day to day admnistration.

They have been seperated into distinct categories as to facilitate browsing. Each directory has its own Readme-file with more detailed information regarding its contents and use. If specific modules are needed for the execution of the script, they will be specified within the script run parameters.

AD: Windows Active Directory

Scripts used in interaction with a Windows Active Directory and/or Domain Controller server.

Current scripts:

  • AD_MailNotification.ps1
    • Will send a mail to user for which their password is about to expire.
  • AD_PswdChangePrompt.ps1
    • Script meant to show an explicit prompt to users at logon if their password is about to expire.
  • AD_UserInfo.ps1
    • Script meant to complete existing AD user information.
    • Also allow the export of existing data.

Exchange: Exchange Online Management

Scripts meant to facilitate the management of Exchange Online.

Current scripts:

  • Add-CalendarPermission.ps1
    • Simple script to add permissions to a calendar. Will automatically resolve the calendar name depending on the regional settings.
  • Exch_MailboxPermissionsReport.ps1
    • Returns a report of all permissions users have on existing mailboxes
  • PermissionCleanup.ps1
    • Removes mailox- and recipient-permissions for users that no longer exist within the Azure Active Directory

Explorer: Windows File Explorer

Scripts meant to facilitate management of windows file explorer rights and their inheritance.

Current scripts:

  • WE_FolderInheritance.ps1
    • Returns a list of all folders for which the permission inheritance has been broken.
  • WE_SharePermissionList.ps1
    • Will return an array detailing the permissions on all existing shares of the current server.
  • WE_FolderPermissions.ps1
    • Will go over the given path's child folders and return an array of their security permissions.
    • If one of the children has broken inheritance, an additionnal entry will be made for that folder in the report.