[RU] Dockerized torrentmonitor

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Info about project - https://github.com/ElizarovEugene/TorrentMonitor

Supported torrent trackers

  • anidub.com
  • animelayer.ru
  • casstudio.tv
  • kinozal.tv
  • nnm-club.ru
  • rustorka.com
  • rutracker.org
  • rutor.org
  • tfile.me
  • tracker.0day.kiev.ua
  • tv.mekc.info
  • baibako.tv
  • hamsterstudio.org
  • lostfilm.tv
  • newstudio.tv
  • novafilm.tv

##Linux non ARM Linux version uses docker directly. You wouldn't download any sources because docker image will be downloaded from docker hub automatically


  1. Install docker https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/

  2. Run container from nawa/torrentmonitor image

     sudo docker run -d --name torrentmonitor --restart=always -p 8080:80 -v path_to_data_folder/torrents:/data/htdocs/torrents -v path_to_data_folder/db:/data/htdocs/db nawa/torrentmonitor
    • you can change server port from 8080 to your preferred port
    • you need to change volume location to database and downloaded torrents. As a result you could use persistent data between another containers
    • also you can specify environment variables to change default behaviour of container
      • -e CRON_TIMEOUT="0 * * * *" Specify execution timeout in crontab format. Default - every hour.
      • -e PHP_TIMEZONE="Europe/Kiev" Set default timezone for PHP. Default - UTC.
      • -e PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT="512M" Set php memory limit. Default - 512M.
  3. Open browser on page http://localhost:8080

  4. Enjoy

Also you can use docker-compose. If you have docker-compose installed - just simply clone this repository and run

docker-compose up -d

You can look how to run torrentmonitor with Transmission and TOR together https://github.com/nawa/torrentmonitor-dockerized/wiki/Torrentmonitor---Tramsmission---TOR

###Additional Stop/Start/Restart container:

sudo docker stop torrentmonitor
sudo docker start torrentmonitor
sudo docker restart torrentmonitor

##Linux ARM The same as non ARM Linux but you have to use armhf image nawa/armhf-torrentmonitor

sudo docker run -d --name torrentmonitor --restart=always -p 8080:80 -v path_to_data_folder/torrents:/data/htdocs/torrents -v path_to_data_folder/db:/data/htdocs/db nawa/armhf-torrentmonitor

##Windows and MacOS ###Docker native You can use docker native if your OS supports it

  • Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise 64-bit with Hyper-V support
  • MacOS Yosemite 10.10.3 or above

Download docker native from https://www.docker.com/products/docker and follow instructions for paragraph Linux non ARM ###Virtual machine with vagrant If your OS doesn't support docker native you can use virtual machine with vagrant. https://github.com/nawa/torrentmonitor-dockerized/wiki/Windows-and-MacOS---Virtual-machine-with-vagrant-(EN)