
Innomaps application server component. InnoMaps is a building navigator for Innopolis University. It can help you to determine your location inside the University campus, and learn about the events taking place there.

Primary LanguageJava


Innomaps application server component

/springBootApp - RESTful Web-service

  • /springBootApp/src/main/java/db/ - contains classes that represent database tables

  • /springBootApp/src/main/java/events/ - contains classes for syncrinization of the events from google calendar to the database

  • /springBootApp/src/main/java/mail/ - contains class with method that sends emails

  • /springBootApp/src/main/java/pathfinding/ - contains classes that are used for coordinates graph building, finding shortest path between two coordinates and finding the closest coordinate to the one given

  • /springBootApp/src/main/java/rest/ - main package, contains REST controllers and Application class

  • /springBootApp/src/main/java/xmlToDB/ - classes that are used for transffering coorinates and graph data from xml file to the database

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