Search Hotels Task

It is a Laravel 5.2 web application contains only one endpoint Api named search_hotels using PHP >= 7.1

Installation Steps

  • clone the project to your machine
  • run php -r \"copy('.env.example', '.env');\"
  • run composer install
  • run php artisan key:generate

Test The Api

  • run php artisan serve

  • test the api by using postman for example and go to this link http://localhost:8000/api/v1/search_hotels?price_from=100&price_to=200

  • you can search by name , city , price , and date

  • find our Test at tests/ExampleTest.php


  • Implement travis or scrutinizer-ci or any other CI tool for the project, Add the build status badges to our project README file

  • Use codeclimate or any other alternative to estimate the code quality and add it's badge to our project README file