E-commerce mobile application developed using react native for both android and ios 📱
- React native
- Hooks
- redux/thunk
- If you have never run a react-native project before on your machine, you need to follow the instructions here, otherwise skip this part.
- Download the ZIP file and extract it or clone the project
- Open the project folder with your text editor, I am using VsCode
- Open the terminal inside the project root
- Run the following commands
npm install
npm install npx
npx react-native link
npx react-native start
thennpm run android
The first time you will run the app, you will need to sign-in with a phone number then verify it with a confirmation code,follow the following instructions to see how to do that.
- Enter a valid phone number and press done.
- You will see an alert with a 4 digit number :
Confirmation Code : xxxx
. - Enter the 4 digit and press done
You can download the APK from here
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- add spalsh screen
- generate APK
- testing
- add instabug package to the project
- handle API's requests error