Concerned with Udacity Robotics software engineer specialization

Primary LanguageMakefile

Ros picture


In this repository i will share with you all of my ROS projects and also the the important tips and tricks concerned with Gazebo and ROS

Task 1:

Lets start with gazebo first project :

⋅⋅*the project based on making the folloiwng:-

  • Finish my changesMaking gazebo world
  • making two robots
  • fetching some models from gazebo online liberary
  • making C++ code to print entery message when we start gazebo

Task 2:

⋅⋅*the project based on making the folloiwng:-

  • Finish my Own Robot model and making white ball model
  • Adding Lidar and camera to the robot
  • Programming of image processing node to check the ball place tack it