
Udacity Robotic Software Engineer nano degree final project

Primary LanguageCMake

Home service robot project

As shown the project main idea is to get target from specific place and put it into another place after creating map for undefined zone

project packages

  1. add_markers : used to add new virtual objects to rviz
  2. slam_gmapping : used to create map after moving trough an unknown area and making loop closure
  3. teleop_twist_keyboard : used provide robot manual control
  4. turtlebot_simulator : contains turtlebot_gazebo for making stable localization using Amcl algorithm also contain turtlebot and my world
  5. turtlebot_interactions : contain rviz file which configured with the map to be able to test my map using 2d nav goal
  6. pick_objects : help to give the robot to different places pick and drop

My steps:

  1. adding both my gazebo world and turtlebot together through turtlebot_world.launchfile
  2. starting to implementing slam and generating map through moving manually using turtlebot_key and slam_gmaping
  3. moving through the map in rviz using 2d navgoal tool and showing trajectory view_navigation.launch and Amcl algorithm usign test_navigation.sh
  4. moving to two different places in pick_objects node after running pick_objects.sh
  5. making cube markers which appear each 5 seconds using add_markerspkg
  6. starting to pick and drop the markers seemingly after getting my odom and target position difference using both pick_objectsand add_markerspkg