
-Analyze sales revenue, units sold, and average order value for each product ,Identify top-selling products or categories based on sales volume. ,Explore any trends or patterns in product performance and suggest strategies for improvement

Here are the specific analysis points we would like you to focus on:


-Analyze sales revenue, units sold, and average order value for each product.

-Identify top-selling products or categories based on sales volume.

-Explore any trends or patterns in product performance and suggest strategies for improvement.


-Calculate the conversion rate by dividing the number of purchases by the total number of app visitors

-Identify customer demographics, preferences, and behavior based on the available data.

-Highlight any key insights or patterns that can help us better understand our customers.

Sales Patterns:

-Analyze the sales data to identify any seasonal or periodic trends.

-Determine the days, weeks, or months with the highest sales volume.

-Provide recommendations on how to leverage these patterns for targeted marketing or promotional activities.

Page Overview:


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Novybro_link : https://project.novypro.com/YZFlrW