Deploy nodejs app using ansible .
This project aims to deploy nodejs app using ansible playbook which consist of two plays every one contains some to deploy this app .
Before start to create ansible playbook some prerequisites such as:
1- Create two ubuntu ec2 on aws
2- Create vm on vmware workstation (locally) using centos 7 os act as ansible controller
3- Create user called ansible on each vm (local vm and ec2) and add it to sudoers users
4- Install ansible on centos 7 vm
5- Connect to each ec2 using ssh connection
6- Create inventory file to include ec2 hosts under group name "nodes"
7- Create ansible.cfg file to include two main ansible configuration as following:
- inventory=inventory
- host_key_checking=false
- remote_user=ansible
- become=true
- become_user=root
- become_method=sudo
- become_ask_pass=no
This play has many tasks :
- Update system cache => using apt module and save cache for 3600 sec
- Install nodejs => using apt module
- Install npm => using apt module
This play has many tasks:
- Copy nodejs folder => using Copy module to copy nodejs.tar from current directory to /root/
- Unpack nodjs file => using unarchive module
- install dependancy => using npm (not buit in module) which install in first play
- start app => using command module to run cmd command " node sever"
- ensure app is running => using shell module and save output in register module with variable name called "output"
- print output => using debug module to print output from register
Create file called group_vars/nodes which ansible will understand it without need to referance it in every play in playbook .
nodes=> group of two ec2 hosts in inventory file.