
Recurrent GAN for imputation of time series data. Implemented in TensorFlow 2 on Wikipedia Web Traffic Forecast dataset from Kaggle.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Author: Ivan Bongiorni, Data Scientist. LinkedIn.

Convolutional Recurrent Seq2seq GAN for the Imputation of Missing Values in Time Series Data


The goal of this project is the implementation of multiple configurations of a Recurrent Convolutional Seq2seq neural network for the imputation of time series data. Three implementations are provided:

  1. A Recurrent Convolutional seq2seq model.
  2. A GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) based on the same architecture above, where an Imputer is trained to fool an adversarial Network that tries to distinguish real and fake (imputed) time series.
  3. A partially adversarial model, in which both Loss structures of previous models are combined in one: an Imputer model must reduce true error Loss, while trying to fool a Discriminator at the same time.

Models are Implemented in TensorFlow 2 and trained on the Wikipedia Web Traffic Time Series Forecasting dataset.


  • config.yaml: configuration parameters for data preprocessing, training and testing.


  • main_processing.py: starts data preprocessing pipeline. Its outcomes are ready-to-train datasets saved in .npy (numpy) format in /data_processed/ folder.
  • main_train.py: starts training pipeline. Trained model is saved in /saved_models/ folder, with the 'model_name' provided in config.yaml.


  • tools.py: contains more technical functions that are iterated during preprocessing pipeline.
  • model.py: implementation of models' architectures.
  • train.py: contains functions for all training configurations.
  • deterioration.py: the script contains the function that calls an artificial deterioration of training data, in order to check imputation performance.
  • impute.py: final script, to be called in order to produce imputed data (for raw time series that contain NaN's) and export them for future projects.

Notebooks and explanations:

  • how_it_works.md: contains explanation of Deep Learning models in greater detail.
  • imputation_visual_check.ipynb: visualization of a models performance. The notebook loads the trained model specified in params['model_name'] and check its performance on Validation and Test data.
  • data_scaling_exploration.ipynb: contains visualizations of the scaling function I employed in data preprocessing phase.
  • nan_exploration.ipynb: contains a study of the distribution of NaN's in the raw dataset, that lead to the development of the deterioration function.


  • data_raw/: it is supposed to contain the raw Wikipedia Web Traffic Time Series Forecasting dataset, as it is downloaded (and unzipped) from Kaggle.
  • data_processed/: it contains the outcome of preprocesing pipeline, launched from main_processing.py. Observations will be stored in three sub-directories for Training/, Validation/ and Test/.
  • saved_models/: where models are saved at the end of training pipepine. Model names can be changed in config.yaml. In case a GAN is trained and config parameter save_discriminator is set to True, the Discriminator model will be saved as [model_name]_discriminator.h5.

Modules required



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I trained this model on a fairly powerful machine: a System76 Adder WS laptop with 64 GB of RAM and NVidia RTX 2070 GPU.