Girlscript Community Website

Image of gs


Overview ⭐

  • The GirlScript Foundation is a well-acclaimed organization in the EdTech field.
  • It has been successfully equipping modern youth with the new age technologies that are revolutionising the world today.
  • It is a non-profit project brought to you by GirlScript Foundation to help beginners in technology .

About the Project ✨

The objective is to develop the GirlScript Community website from scratch.

This project is also listed as one of the projects of GirlScript Summer of Code 2021.

Check out the current version of the website here.

This is how the final product should look like :


Technology Stack 🛠️

  • Frontend - React Js
  • Backend - django
  • Database - MongoDb

Contribution 🙌

This project is completely Open source. Any willing to contribute can take up an issue or raise a new and work on it after getting assigned.

Contributors ✌️