
Simulation of a chess timer using Logisim

Digital Integrated Circuits Project 2021/2022

Digital Chess Timer


A digital clock designed for chess games. It mainly consists of two timers which cannot count at the same time. The source clock is alternatively transmitted between the two down counters using a switcher.

Block Schematic

Electrical Schematic

7-Seg IC

Clock IC

The Digital Chess Timer

Electrical Characteristics

Component Specification
Power Supply 9V Battery
Resistor 68 Ω, for green LEDs
56 Ω, for red LEDs
Transistor pMOS (MOSFET)
Switch On/Off
74HC32D OR Gate IC
74HC04 NOT Gate IC
74HC08 AND Gate IC
7-seg LCD
74HC93 Flip-Flop
LED Green

Operation Mode

Stop/Start Next Reset 0 (zero) Surrender
Start the game 1 x 0 0 0
Stop the game 0 x 0 0 0
Resume the game 1 x 0 0 0
Bob’s turn 1 0 0 0 0
Alice’s turn 1 1 0 0 0
Surrender – Finish the game x x x x 1
Reset the timers 1 x 1 1 0


Clock Logic

  • The main clock feeds both timers with pulses periodically.
  • It is connected to the source of a P-Type Transistor.
  • The pulses will be valid only if the gate is supplied with 0V (in other words, reset 0, 0 is 0, surrender is 0 and both counters are non-null). Timers will be off otherwise.

Timer Logic 7-seg Display

Reset Logic

Moving to the next state by passing only one pulse. Must push on 0 first.

Stop/Start Logic


When Stop/Start pin is set to 0, Clock gate get supplied by voltage, hence clock pulses are blocked.


When Stop/Start pin is set to 1, Clock gate get supplied by null voltage, hence activation of one of the timers.

Surrender Logic

When surrender pin is set to 1, Clock gate is supplied by voltage, hence clock pulses are blocked.

Bill of Materials

Component Quantity Specification
Power Supply 1 9V Battery
Resistor 2 68 Ω, for green LEDs
56 Ω, for red LEDs
Transistor 4 pMOS (MOSFET)
Splitter 4
Button 4
Switch 2 On/Off
74HC32D 4 OR Gate IC
74HC04 21 NOT Gate IC
74HC08 20 AND Gate IC
7-seg 8 LCD
74HC93 4 Flip-Flop
LED 2 Green
2 Red


https://sweetcode.io/logisim-software-digital-clock/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_clock https://digitalgametechnology.com/products/chess-clocks/dgt2010-official-fide-chess-clock https://ro.farnell.com/