private-poa-Blockchain 🔨

Docker image for Ethereum testnet using proof-of-authority consensus protocol based on Geth's latest version. By default two accounts will be created, one serving as a signer and another one which holds all the coins on the testnet.


Clone the repository

git clone && cd private_poa_network


$ docker build -t poa/geth-poa:latest .

test container alone

$ docker run -p 8545:8545 -p 8456:8456 poa/geth-poa:latest


  • Error: /bin/sh: /app/ not found
  • Reason: occurs when using Docker Windows, files are saved with Windows line endings (CRLF) rather than Unix's (LF).
  • solution: proceed with the following steps
  1. Convert file from CRLF to LF:
  1. Delete the generated testing container (because you don't need it anymore):
docker rm container_id
  1. Retest the container:
docker build -t poa/geth-poa:latest .

Now you can move on to the next step.

Start peer

If test is ok you can start containers using

$ docker-compose up -d

you can remove -d to get docker-comopse output

stop it using docker-compose down

Bootstraping noodes

Add to static-nodes enodes strings separated by comma


Connect to peer Geth node

using the container_id connect to the running peer using

docker exec -ti container_id bash

then run

geth attach http://localhost:8545

in the opened CLI run

> admin.nodeInfo.enode

The ouput will be like

[::] will be parsed as localhost ( If your nodes are on a local network check each individual host machine


check container's log using : docker logs -f poadocker_geth_1


Blockscout doesn't support 1.10 (latest geth) blockscout/blockscout#4335

--http.addr and other http option, as described here, are not suported by 1.9 but >=1.10

You'll need to use --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs to receive Nethereum transactions


Think of reseting Metamask account after each rebuild of the image


when modify the config make sure you remove the docker volume and rebuild the container

you can use the option --config <toml file> instead putting the configuration options directly in geth command

to geenrate a toml file you can use : geth <with all needed options> dumpconfig > config.toml

Remove all volumes and containers (Or just remove the volume and container created by the dockerfile)

  • docker rm $(docker ps -qa -f "status=exited")
  • docker container prune
  • docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)

you can add the BootstrapNodes =["0x"....] to toml file

BootstrapNodes = ["enode://d860a01f9722d78...051758@", "enode:"]

We set clique.period inside genesis.json file to zero, to ensure mining only when ever required with out empty block generation.

clique": {
        "period": 0,
        "epoch": 30000

You can override genesis.json by mounting your own at /app. Please bear in mind that $ETH_ADDRESS and $ETH_BUFFER strings will be replaced with the environment variables.

Running a Bootnode

Generate a key and start the boot node on any random port

bootnode -genkey boot.key
bootnode -nodekey -addr :8009

precompiled contract

geth attach http://localhost:8545

  • check using inside peer web3.eth.getCode("0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000920") "0x"


note: ensure geth "byzantiumBlock": 0 is set in the genesis.json file to enable status