
Failed to render and update auto layout status for ViewController

thomasmbr opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello guys,
Did either of you get this kind of error while using the TransitionButton? The project compiles normally, but this error persists when you open the storyboard.

captura de tela 2018-06-09 as 15 37 33

Getting same error please help.I can not see views because of this error.

According to Stackoverflow there is a workaround with Cocoapods.

Maybe you should try this answer since you doesn't have an official reply on your issue.

I'm trying to investigate the issue and fix it, but I can't reproduce the issue. Can anyone please provide an example project with the issue ? @thomasmbr @KheniDharmesh @s3734322

Here is the demo project for that:

If you open Main.Storyboard file I have added a button there which has a class TransitionButton and if you build a project you will get a same error.

Xcode version is 9.4.

@KheniDharmesh thank you for providing an example project.
Actually, this issue is related to CocoaPods CocoaPods/CocoaPods#7606 so it's up to them to fix the issue. You can follow the issue CocoaPods/CocoaPods#7606 to see the workarounds until they provide a fix. I will close the issue for now since there is nothing that I can do. It's up to CocoaPods Team to fix it.