- 1
Flickering black view
#66 opened by barenddev - 0
You can also watch cartoons
#65 opened by phonefixnicole - 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
Crash on iOS 9
#59 opened by IvanGzx - 4
Swift Package Manager
#47 opened by tradingstratagem - 2
Not working with TabBarController
#46 opened by jaimeslr - 0
import issue
#57 opened by Alishahrokhiii - 0
Bitcode Processing Failed
#56 opened - 10
- 1
- 4
Navigation Controller transition
#51 opened - 1
- 1
- 2
demo app crashes
#48 opened by GINNOV - 2
Swift 5 Update
#50 opened by Mahdimm - 2
Button Title Disappears after a couple seconds
#41 opened by osamaazmat - 5
- 0
- 0
Button Expand animation choppy/not complete
#43 opened by Wilmanvg - 0
- 2
Issue with shadowed button
#37 opened by ismaiI1 - 0
Usage in Tableviews
#39 opened by Whyte18 - 0
- 1
- 0
Expand Animation
#36 opened by soareseneves - 6
StartAnimation Crash in swift 4
#14 opened by Rjmaurya13 - 2
Warning when compiling
#30 opened by fidmor89 - 0
Iphone x safe area not covered by transtion
#32 opened by adiroman - 6
Issues with tabBarController
#29 opened by Smiller193 - 1
Cocoapods fix
#28 opened by Michele404 - 1
Update Podspec for Swift 4.2
#27 opened by ugenlik - 7
- 3
CAMediaTimingFillMode rename
#24 opened by HeminWon - 0
CAMediaTimingFillMode rename
#25 opened by HeminWon - 1
Expose init func
#23 opened by cuzv - 0
Fatal error
#22 opened by Michele404 - 5
The button doesn't fill the full screen size
#16 opened by volkoivan - 2
It is not possible to set new title text
#17 opened by frodestorhaug - 2
Spinner Color
#19 opened by Abhishek224 - 1
Loading state stays with 0 delay
#20 opened by volkoivan - 2
clear titlecolor
#15 opened by anhmuonnoi - 4
Auto Layout messes up spinner alignment?
#12 opened by jh97uk - 4
Spinner not showing
#11 opened by Shekhar175 - 0
- 2
CI build fails with error (misconfiguration)
#10 opened by richardtop - 2
- 3
TransitionButton Crash when using with XIB
#6 opened by maclacerda - 1