Geo Masters

am I responsive screenshot

A Geography Quiz based Website

Geo Masters is a knowledge based quiz game that centers around the theme of geography . The user is given an opportunity to play one of two games against a clock to select the correct answer from 4 options and earn more points.

The user has the option to read the rules of the game to better understand the format and once they have decided which game they want to play they can then start the game.

The two available games are: Interesting Facts which is random but fun facts about random countries from all over the word. The second game is Flags. This game presents the user with obscure and interesting flags and the users goal is to figure out which country the flag belongs to.

- By Alan Bushell

Table of contents

  1. UX
  2. Features
  3. Features Left to Implement
  4. Technology used
  5. Testing
  6. Bugs
  7. Deployment
  8. Credits
  9. Content
  10. Acknowledgements


Pre-project Planning

For project 2 I decided early on I wanted to create a quiz game that I would like to play. I have a love of travelling and find Geography incredibly interesting so I decided on this as my theme.

Rather than just making a generic quiz site I wanted to add some extra elements that I felt would have given the typical quiz site a fun spin.

I decided I wanted to give the user a couple of options on which game they would like to play. I wanted to keep the overarching theme the same while giving clear differences to the types of questions that would be asked.

From here I decided on:

  • Interesting Facts
  • Flags

I also wanted to add a countdown timer to create urgency & a scoring system that was more relative to how quickly you answered the question rather than if you just got it correct or not.

UX design


As my first project was a minimalistic black & white themed site I decided this project should have plenty of color. To start I decided on a nice vibrant linear gradient background ranging from a nice Pink(rgba(233, 30, 99, .8)) to Blue (rgba(33, 150, 243, .8))

As this is a single page game the background is constant across the experience except for pop up modals which are the above Blue and the final score modal which covers the entirety of the screen in the same Blue.


As the goal of the site was to provide users with clear instructions and questions, I decided I wanted a clear legible font that would not distort or delay the readability. The base font selected Courier New.


The images on this site are used to convey logic to the users when they select the quiz type they might want to try or even the questions themselves. All the images selected for this project came from and

User Stories


As a user I want to be able to play a fun and interesting game
As a user I want have a choice of what type of game I would like to play As a user I want to get a score from the quiz to mark my progress As a user I want to be able to see the rules for the quiz before I start
As a user I want to play again when I complete the quiz


Desktop & Mobile Wireframe




Welcome Area

Welcome Message

Game Category Area

Game Category

Rules Modal

Rules Modal

Throughout the design process my initial approach was to have a landing page where the user would select their quiz type and be taken to the Quiz Dashboard.

However because this project was going to include Javascript I felt like I could manipulate the DOM to create a single page quiz game app which is what I have done.

By utilizing display properties effectively I was able to reduce the two / three page site down to one and create a seamless experience for my users.

  1. From page load the user will be presented with the welcome message, game choices and the rules modal button.
  2. Once they select a game the main page dashboard is hidden & the user is presented with a start game button and the rules again to go over.
  3. Once the user clicks start game button the quiz dashboard is then presented with questions, answers and a countdown clock.
  4. Once the final question has been answered, the end game modal will cover the screen and the quiz dashboard will be hidden. This endgame modal will display the users rank, their final score and show them the questions they were asked, the correct answer and their answer.

Pregame lobby

Pre-Game Lobby

Quiz Dashboard

Quiz Dashboard

Countdown Clock

The countdown clock was an essential part of my pre-project planning. I wanted to make dynamic and it actually plays a big part in my quiz.

  • The countdown clock Starts when a question is presented to the user to display how long they have left to answer the question.
  • If the user does not answer in time the clock will state "Times Up" to the user briefly before moving on to the next question.
  • As the clock counts down it changes color.
    • From 15 seconds to 10 seconds it is a nice safe Green Color
    • From 10 seconds to 5 seconds it is a warning orange / amber color
    • From 5 seconds to 1 second it is a danger red color and includes a shaking motion to add urgency to the user
    • When it reaches 0 the clock then changes to "Times Up" and either pulls the next question or calls the end game function which brings up the end game modal.
  • The clock also is part of the scoring system in the quiz games. If your answer is correct we check and see how much time you have left and it is factored into your score.
    • If you have over 10 seconds left you score 100 points.
    • If you have between 6-10 seconds left you score 75 points.
    • If you have less than 10 seconds left you score 50 points.
    • If you answer incorrectly or if you run out of time then you score 0 points.

End Game Function

End Game Modal The end game function is called when there are either no questions left in the list or if the user reaches the max-question count. Once this happens the endGame function calls and it displays a final score modal that presents users with their score, ranking and a little message depending on how they did. The user can also see a record of the questions, images, correct answer and their answer so they can learn and get feedback from their experience.

Features Left to implement

Add a high score tracker for the user Add a highscores modal for each seperate game Be able to input username to push to a leaderboard

Additional ideas

Ideally I would like to add more complex quizzes and offer a range of topics related to the overarching theme. One prospective idea was to find popular tourist locations on googlestreet view and allow the user brief moments to slightly pan and decide where they are. Ability to allow a user to complete a specific quiz and share the same version of the quiz with a friend as a form of head 2 head competition.

Technology Used


Used to structure my webpages and the bones of any web project


Used to style and add layout to my project.


Used to make the site dynamic and to present, select and store the users answers and then provide a score based on the time it took them to answer.

Font Awesome

Used for the home icon & the github icon used in this project.


Testing Phase

Manual Testing

Test Result
When flags game is selected correct game runs Pass
When random facts game is selected correct game runs Pass
When the rules button is clicked the modal pops up Pass
The rules modal closes when user clicks the close button Pass
The rules modal closes when the user clicks outside of the modal Pass
When game starts question, answers and images load correctly Pass
When game starts clock begins countdown Pass
When user selects answer, new question and answers are pulled Pass
When new question is called the clock restarts Pass
The correct answers appear with the correct questions Pass
The correct image appears for the correct question Pass
When the user answers a question the counter increases Pass
When the user answers the final question the game directs to the end game modal Pass
The end game modal displays the users final score & rank Pass
The end game modal displays the questions and answers the user provided and correct answer Pass
When the user clicks Play Again the page reloads back to the start Pass

User testing

Peer Code Review

Project submitted for peer code review on Code Institute among other students.

Only noticable issue reported was a typo on one of the answers in the Quiz

User tests

3 users were asked to attempt the following and their scores were averaged to give the below scores

Test Result
Read the rules to understand the game 100%
Navigate to the Flags Quiz and complete the game 100%
Navigate to the Random Facts Quiz and complete the game 100%
Provide your rank and score to me after completing quiz 100%

Google Lighthouse Testing


Lighthouse testing index.html


Lighthouse testing index.html

HTML W3 Validation


W3 Validation index.html

Result: No Errors

CSS Validation

W3 Validation index.html

Result: No Errors

JS Hint Checker

JS hint Validator

Result: No Warnings


Issues with clock not resetting when new question was pulled. Second instance of clock was called and it looped between the previous count and new count fixed Issue with images not displaying correctly and forcing the page too wide on smaller displays. fixed Issue with endgame function being called every 30 seconds and repeating user congratulations message fixed Endgame modal overlapping and not allowing scroll on devices smaller than 400px. Play again button hidden and user cannot naviagte away. fixed


To deploy the project I followed these steps starting from the main project repository here.

  1. Clicked on Settings on the navigation menu in the repository
  2. I then selected the Pages menu on the side bar.
  3. In the first dropdown menu labeled Source I selected the branch of the name main from the dropdown.
  4. In the next dropdown labeled /root I left as the default option.
  5. Selected Save

I then received a notification from GitHub that my project is being deployed and after about 1 minute & a couple of refreshes of the page it was ready and live.


James Quick - Youtube

Interesting tutortial about creating a quiz. Interesting concept on pulling questions and answers to quiz from JS.

Content & Resources

Images of flags sourced from pixabay

Images used in this project.

w3 schools

Used for general lookup JS dom related queries and general styling css using js

Also used for trying to clearInterval on countdown clock to make it reset.

Stack Overflow

Used to query issues relating programming issues relating to injecting html with JS

Channels like Florin Pop & Brad Traversy helped understand different JS concepts throughout this project

Also helped understand manipulating the DOM more effetively

Code Institute

Project created in line with course content and within project 2 scope.


Dick Vlandeeren

My mentor who provided me with constructive feedback and positive reinforcement where applicable.