
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Access Control System

This project implements an Access Control System using Python, Flask, React, JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication and authorization, Swagger for API documentation (/api/docs/), and Docker Compose for containerization. It includes separate back-end and front-end components, as well as unit tests.


  • User registration and authentication
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Token-based authentication using JWT (refresh and access tokens)
  • API endpoints for managing users, roles, and permissions
  • Swagger UI for interactive API documentation

Technologies Used

  • Python: Programming language used for the back-end development.
  • Flask: Web framework for building the RESTful API.
  • React: JavaScript library for building the user interface.
  • JWT: JSON Web Tokens for secure authentication and authorization.
  • Docker Compose: Tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.
  • Swagger: API documentation tool with Swagger UI for interactive documentation.
  • Unit Testing: Automated tests for ensuring the correctness of the code.

Getting Started


  • Docker and Docker Compose should be installed on your machine.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url>
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd access-control-system


  1. Set up the environment variables:

    • Create a .env file in the root directory based on the provided .env.example file.
    • Modify the values in the .env file according to your requirements.
  2. Set up the back-end:

    • Navigate to the backend directory:
    cd backend
    • Install the required dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Set up the front-end:

    • Navigate to the frontend directory:
    cd ../frontend
    • Install the required dependencies:
    npm install


  1. Start the application using Docker Compose:
docker-compose up
  1. The back-end server will be running on http://localhost:5000, and the front-end will be running on http://localhost:3000.

  2. Access the Swagger UI for API documentation:

    • Open http://localhost:5000/api/docs/ in your web browser.

Running Unit Tests

  1. To run the unit tests for the back-end, navigate to the backend directory:
cd backend
  1. Run the tests using the following command:
python -m unittest discover tests


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please create a GitHub issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.