
Add the parent path of the project's child py file to syspath; Solve the subpackage import parent or top-level method, but the prompt cannot find the module 【将项目的子py文件的父路径添加到syspath中;解决子包导入父级或者顶层级方法,而提示找不到模块】

Primary LanguagePython


1. Instructions:

  1. Installation (the syntax does not use the latest Python version, so it should be compatible with most Python3 versions above)
  • Currently released to PyPI, install directly using pip install auto_syspath3
git clone https://github.com/Alan3344/auto_syspath3.git
cd auto_syspath3
Python setup.py install


pip install git+https://github.com/Alan3344/auto_syspath3.git
  1. Use

No need to add these two lines at the beginning of each document, because this will attract the annoying Flake8 squiggly line 〰️ prompt Flake8(E402)

  • People with OCD say they are less willing to accept
import sys
sys.path.extend(['./', '../'])

from utils import login
from config import env

Now you only need to add this line directly in front of the custom package. If you don’t like the Flake8 prompt unused, you can add # noqa after it

Just reference it in front of the custom module

  • According to the characteristics of Python imported modules, this __init__.py file will be executed automatically, so there is no need to write add_path() function
import os
import auto_syspath3 # noqa
from utils import quit
from config import env

2. Refused Flake8 prompt detection: module level import not at top of file Flake8(E402)

  • Reason: In order to make this file run independently, put import into the function

3. Reasons for writing this module:

I use VSCode to write Python code, but VSCode import is correctly prompted, but Flake8 prompts an error Maybe using PyCharm will not have this problem, but he needs to be set to source root, I don't like this

  1. The original appearance of this function has to be copied every time it is referenced
  2. Secondly, this file is mainly placed in the site-packages directory. After packaging and sending it to others for use, this file will be missing
  3. I found a similar package on pypi, but it failed to meet my expectations, so I wrote one myself
  4. The important thing is that after using this package, the customized package can be used in any terminal, no need to set source root
def add_path(path=__file__, deep=0):
    """Add a path to the sys.path if it is not already there."""
    paths = []
    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
    for i in range(deep):
        dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname)
    d(f'dirname: {dirname}')
    for p in os.walk(dirname):
        p0 = p[0].replace(dirname, '')
        if p0.startswith('/.') or '__pycache__' in p0:
        elif not p[0] in sys.path:
            sys.path.insert(0, p[0])
            d(f'add path: {p[0]}')
    return paths

Screenshot during use

  • Solve the error when the subpackage py file imports the top-level module method: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'package name'

  • Normally, our pwd paths are all in the top-level directory. At this time, we can directly run the main.py file. Of course, there is no problem if I run python test_project/main.py directly.

  1. If your project structure is like this, the main.py file is the entry file, child_package is the custom package, and child_package/child_package is the subpackage of the custom package, they all have specific py file

  2. Run directly in the entry file in the main.py file like this

  3. This is how it works in the child_package/call_user.py file. The first time the error is reported because the line import auto_syspath3 # noqa F401 has been commented out

  4. This is how it works in the child_package/child_package/call_user.py file. The first time the error is reported because the line import auto_syspath3 # noqa F401 is commented out