This was a fun project
- KeypadDriver
- effect showcase:
- acrylic case schematic:
- swappable Arduino nano
- ws2812b addressable per-key RGB lighting
- hot-swappable switches
- current effects: Rainbow, StaticRainbow, Splash, StaticLight, Breathing, FractionalDrawingTest2d, SpinningRainbow, Ripple, AntiRipple, Stars, Raindrop, Snake, ShootingParticles, Fire, WhacAMole (game), TicTacToe (game), BullsNCows (game)
If using pin headers for the arduino board to be swappable, the total height will be much taller than a solder-on one
Due to the usable space being too small, the 5v pin needs to be manually soldered on using extra wires lol
Because of the limitation of arduino nano (can't be connected as a USB HID hardware), an external software is required to translate the keypad serial messages to key presses (KeypadDriver)