
Final project for "Intro to Android Development" course, medical app (chto-to kak, DamuMed)

Primary LanguageKotlin

NeDoMed Android App


The NeDoMed Android app provides users with a mobile interface to interact with the NeDoMed-backend Django project. It allows patients and doctors to access their data, schedule appointments, and manage medical records from their Android devices.


  • User Authentication: Log in securely using existing credentials or sign up for a new account.
  • Patient Dashboard: View medical history, prescribed medications, allergies, and other health-related information.
  • Doctor Dashboard: Access patient data, view scheduled appointments, and update medical records.
  • Appointment Scheduling: Schedule appointments with doctors based on availability.
  • Real-time Notifications: Receive notifications for appointment reminders and updates.
  • Offline Access: Access previously viewed data offline for convenience.


  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the NeDoMed Android app repository using the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/NeDoMed-android.git
  2. Open in Android Studio: Import the project into Android Studio to build and run the app.

  3. Configure API Endpoint: Update the API endpoint URL in the app's configuration to point to your NeDoMed-backend Django project.

  4. Build and Run: Build the app and run it on an Android device or emulator.



NeDoMed Backend API Documentation

Authentication The NeDoMed backend API uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication. To access protected endpoints, clients must include a valid JWT token in the Authorization header of their HTTP requests.

Example Authorization Header:

Authorization: Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>

Base URL

The base URL for the NeDoMed backend API is:



  1. User Authentication POST /api/login Description: Authenticate user and generate JWT token.

Request Body: username (string): User's username password (string): User's password

Response: token (string): JWT token for authentication

Authorization: Not required POST /api/signup

Description: Create a new user account.

Request Body: username (string): User's desired username email (string): User's email address password (string): User's password user_type (string): User's role (admin, patient, doctor)

Response: id (int): User ID username (string): User's username email (string): User's email address user_type (string): User's role Authorization: Not required

3. Patient Endpoints

GET /api/patient/{id} Description: Get patient data by ID. Response: id (int): Patient ID first_name (string): Patient's first name last_name (string): Patient's last name date_of_birth (string): Patient's date of birth blood_type (string): Patient's blood type allergies (string): Patient's allergies phone (string): Patient's phone number Authorization: Required (Patient or Admin)

4. Doctor Endpoints

GET /api/doctor/{id} Description: Get doctor data by ID. Response:

  • id (int): Doctor ID
  • first_name (string): Doctor's first name
  • last_name (string): Doctor's last name
  • specialization (string): Doctor's specialization
  • qualifications (string): Doctor's qualifications
  • experience_years (int): Doctor's years of experience
  • license_number (string): Doctor's license number
  • room (string): Doctor's room number
  • Authorization: Required (Doctor or Admin)
  1. Appointment Endpoints POST /api/appointment/{doctor_id}/schedule Description: Schedule an appointment with a doctor. Request Body:
  • appointment_date (string): Appointment date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • start_time (string): Appointment start time (HH:MM)
  • reason (string): Reason for appointment
  • notes (string): Additional notes Response:
  • id (int): Appointment ID
  • patient_id (int): Patient ID
  • doctor_id (int): Doctor ID
  • appointment_date (string): Appointment date
  • start_time (string): Appointment start time
  • end_time (string): Appointment end time
  • reason (string): Reason for appointment
  • is_accepted (boolean): Appointment acceptance status
  • notes (string): Additional notes
  • Authorization: Required (Patient or Admin)

Error Handling The NeDoMed backend API returns appropriate HTTP status codes along with error messages in JSON format for any encountered errors. Common error codes include:

400 Bad Request: Invalid request parameters or missing required fields. 401 Unauthorized: Invalid or missing JWT token for authentication. 404 Not Found: Resource not found or ID does not exist. 500 Internal Server Error: Unexpected server error.