Execution Environment Container Permission Issues

This is to share ansible-runner private data directory inputs to replicate issues.

ansible-runner run -p get_url.yml . -vvv

Important detail from that failure:

Failed to replace file: /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1608050130.4774451-24-182673759779840/tmphrbsynsq to /runner/ansible-builder.zip: [Errno 13] Permission denied: b'/runner/.ansible_tmpoqn81kjoansible-builder.zip'

This is another example that should produce a similar result:

ansible-runner run -p blockinfile.yml . -vvv

Verified Solutions

Two options are noted in comments.

  • Use docker instead of podman (see env/settings)
  • Set the play variable ansible_remote_tmp to a location inside the volume

Failed Solutions



to env/envvars has not worked.

It seems to be ignored, and continues to use the /root/ folder.