
Ansible execution environment with only the basics

MIT LicenseMIT

Minimal Ansible Execution Environment

This is meant to offer a consistently available image on Github Container Registry with the minimal requirements for an EE.

docker pull ghcr.io/alancoding/zen-ee:latest

Go pull it and check.

docker run --rm --tty --interactive ghcr.io/alancoding/zen-ee /bin/bash

And check ansible --version and ansible-runner --version.

You can also see it in the web interface here:


The intent is to use the smallest possible configuration from ansible-builder v3. That task, by itself, is fairly trivial, but to use an image in AWX you usually need to publish it publicly, which adds notably to your problems if you're busy trying to hack stuff.


For Ansible Automation Platform, there is an ee-minimal which is supported.

Old image system

There used to be an upstream analog, which was the runner image itself.


This image, along with many others in the pipeline, are no longer up-to-date, because of structural changes in how ansible-builder works.

In addition to ansible-runner, there has always been the awx-ee image, which is still maintained and used by default by AWX today.


So to recap, there used to be 2 public images that you could start using in AWX. We still have 1, awx-ee, but we lost rolling builds of a minimal image. That is what this repo aims to provide.

Updated Official Images

Some months after builder v3 released, an official source of a variety of community images emerged here:


There is at least an attempt to move these to builder v3, but exact status of vendored images is still something I'm researching.

Image Refreshes

See the github actions - this should be configured to push a new build every Friday. If it fails, it should file an issue which will fire a github notification. The aim is to avoid any scenario where this falls months out of date.

File an issue and @ me if you want to get those notifications and help maintain.