A Dark Sky weather display for the Pimoroni Inky pHAT. Displays a short summary of the current weather and temperature, today's highs and lows and uses Adam Whitcroft’s excellent Climacons.
- Inky pHAT library
- sudo pip install requests
Register for a free developer account at https://darksky.net/dev. The API offers 1000 requests a day for free, which should be plenty for personal projects like this.
- Update config.py with the following
api_key: your_dark_sky_api_token
location_lon: your_longitude
location_lat: your_latitude
units: uk2
From terminal, run python inky-weather.py
With Pimoroni's Button SHIM support!
You can use the button SHIM to switch between weather displays (daily or weekly). To do this, add the following to the config:
button_shim: True
Running python inky-weather.py
now will keep the program open, allowing you to switch displays using the button SHIM. If you have this setup, you might want to setup a cronjob to run weather.py
once every half hour or hour.