
Welcome to my personal portfolio

MIT LicenseMIT

Portfolio Project - Planning and Design

Welcome to my Portfolio Project repository! This project serves as a showcase of my skills and work in software development. The goal is to create a personal portfolio website that demonstrates my expertise, projects, and achievements. This README provides an overview of the project and instructions on how to set it up.


The My Portfolio Project is a web application that showcases my professional journey, skills, and achievements in the field of software development. It features sections highlighting my projects, skills, blog posts, and more. The project is built using the Vert.x framework, allowing for scalable and efficient microservice architecture. It utilizes various technologies, such as Java, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Microservices Architecture

The portfolio is designed using a microservices architecture, enabling the project to be modular, maintainable, and easily scalable. Each section of the portfolio, such as projects, skills, and blog posts, is developed as a separate microservice, promoting separation of concerns and independent development and deployment.

Getting Started

To set up the project locally and explore my portfolio:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Ensure you have Java and Maven installed.
  3. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.
  4. Run mvn clean package to build the project.
  5. Run java -jar target/my-portfolio-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to start the application.
  6. Open a web browser and visit http://localhost:8080 to view the portfolio.


  • Projects: Showcase of my software development projects with descriptions and links.
  • Skills: Highlighting my technical skills and expertise.
  • Blog: A collection of blog posts sharing insights and experiences.
  • Contact: Contact information and links to social media profiles.


I welcome contributions, suggestions, and feedback to enhance my portfolio. Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.


My time zone is GMT-3.

Connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter to stay updated with my projects and journey. Or you can email me at Email.

Visit me at My GitHub Profile GitHub Logo

Thank you for visiting my portfolio repository!


  • Create an online portfolio to showcase my projects, skills, blog posts, and personal details.
  • Provide visitors with an easy-to-use and visually appealing experience to explore my work and expertise.


  • Sections: Projects, Skills, Blog, About Me.
  • Design: Modern and clean design with an attractive color palette.
  • Navigation: Navigation bar to access each section.
  • Interaction: Interactive pages with project, skills, and blog details.
  • Personal Information: Display details about me and how to contact.

General Structure:

  • Main router with routes for each section.
  • Static files for CSS styles, images, and other resources.
  • Each section will be implemented as an independent microservice.

Planed Routes:

  • /projects: Will display a list of my projects with details.
  • /skills: Will display a list of my technical skills.
  • /blog: Will display my blog posts and details.
  • /aboutme: Will display personal and contact information.


  • Color palette: Predominantly light blue and white, accents in orange.
  • Clean design with cards to showcase projects and skills.
  • Blog page design with a list of posts and links to details.
  • "About Me" page with a brief biography and contact details.

Planed Technologies:

  • Vert.x as the framework for development.
  • HTML and CSS for page structure and styling.
  • JavaScript for client-side interaction and functionality.

Action Plan:

  1. Develop the basic project structure with the main router and static files.
  2. Start with the implementation of the "About Me" microservice to display personal details.
  3. Create the skills microservice to showcase my technical skill set.
  4. Develop the projects microservice to display detailed information about my projects.
  5. Implement the blog microservice to showcase my posts and details.
  6. Integrate CSS styles and design each section according to the color palette.
  7. Perform thorough testing on each microservice and the interaction between them.
  8. Integrate all microservices into the main router and configure routes.
  9. Prepare the application for deployment on a production server.
  10. Deploy the application online and conduct final testing in a production environment.

Progress Checklist:

  • Basic project structure and static files created.
  • "About Me" microservice implemented.
  • Skills microservice developed.
  • Projects microservice developed.
  • Blog microservice implemented.
  • CSS styles integrated and sections designed.
  • Thorough testing completed.
  • Microservices integrated into the main router.
  • Application prepared for production deployment.
  • Application deployed online and tested in production.


  • Week 1: Project setup and basic structure.
  • Week 2: Microservices implementation.
  • Week 3: Projects module implementation.
  • Week 4: Blog module implementation.
  • Week 5: Skills module implementation.
  • Week 6: "About Me" module implementation.
  • Week 7: Design and styling.
  • Week 8: Testing and deployment.