
Responsive jQuery notification plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Responsive jQuery notification plugin written from scratch.

View Demo


Lobibox is divided into two parts
  • Messageboxes
  • Notifications


  • Lobibox messagesboxes can be modal and not modal
  • Possibility to show multiple messages
  • Use any available animation class for showing and hiding messageboxes
  • Every message can be draggable (On small screens dragging is disabled)
  • You can show
    • messagesboxes in different colors and icons
    • confirm message
    • one line prompt (Any HTML5 input type can be used in prompt window. Such as: text, color, date, datetime, email, number, range etc)
    • multiline prompt
    • Progress messagebox. Lobibox comes with default progress style but you can use bootstrap or any other style progress bar.
    • custom content window with ajax support with custom action buttons
  • Every message is an instance of plugin. You can easily grab the instance and attach events or call methods directly on the instance.


  • Different color support
  • Possibility to show in any corners of the screen
  • Delay
  • Show delay indicator
  • Show with image
  • Sound support
  • Size support. You can show notifications of different size

Installation and dependecies

Lobibox is only depended on jQuery. But for best visual result and icons it's highly recommended to include bootstrap.css

1. Include necessary css/js files

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <!--Include this css file in the <head> tag -->
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"/>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/Lobibox.min.css"/>
      <!--Include these script files in the <head> or <body> tag-->
      <script src="lib/jquery.1.11.min.js"></script>
      <script src="dist/js/Lobibox.min.js"></script>
      <!-- If you do not need both (messageboxes and notifications) you can inclue only one of them -->
      <!-- <script src="dist/js/messageboxes.min.js"></script> -->
      <!-- <script src="dist/js/notifications.min.js"></script> -->

2. Call plugin method to show messageboxes or notifications



... //Options


'error|success|warning|info', // Any of the following
    ... //Options


'', // Any HTML5 input type is valid
    ... //Options


... //Options


... //Options


Default options for all messageboxes

horizontalOffset: 5,                //If the messagebox is larger (in width) than window's width. The messagebox's width is reduced to window width - 2 * horizontalOffset
verticalOffset: 5,                  //If the messagebox is larger (in height) than window's height. The messagebox's height is reduced to window height - 2 * verticalOffset
width: 600,
height: 'auto',                     // Height is automatically calculated by width
closeButton: true,                  // Show close button or not
draggable: false,                   // Make messagebox draggable
customBtnClass: 'lobibox-btn lobibox-btn-default', // Class for custom buttons
modal: true,
debug: false,
buttonsAlign: 'center',             // Position where buttons should be aligned
closeOnEsc: true,                   // Close messagebox on Esc press
delayToRemove: 200,                 // Time after which lobibox will be removed after remove call. (This option is for hide animation to finish)
delay: false,                       // Time to remove lobibox after shown
baseClass: 'animated-super-fast',   // Base class to add all messageboxes
showClass: 'zoomIn',                // Show animation class
hideClass: 'zoomOut',               // Hide animation class
iconSource: 'bootstrap',            // "bootstrap" or "fontAwesome" the library which will be used for icons

//Overriding default options
Lobibox.base.DEFAULTS = $.extend({}, Lobibox.base.DEFAULTS, {
... //override any options from default options


Available options for all messageboxes

Lobibox.base.OPTIONS = {
//DO NOT change this value. Lobibox depended on it
bodyClass       : 'lobibox-open',
//DO NOT change this object. Lobibox is depended on it
modalClasses : {
    'error'     : 'lobibox-error',
    'success'   : 'lobibox-success',
    'info'      : 'lobibox-info',
    'warning'   : 'lobibox-warning',
    'confirm'   : 'lobibox-confirm',
    'progress'  : 'lobibox-progress',
    'prompt'    : 'lobibox-prompt',
    'default'   : 'lobibox-default',
    'window'    : 'lobibox-window'
//This is option how buttons can be shown. What are buttonsAlign option available values
buttonsAlign: ['left', 'center', 'right'],
//You can change the title or class of buttons from here or use the same structure object for button when creating messagebox
//closeOnClick : true will close the messagebox when clicking this type of button. Set it to false not to close messagebox when clicking on it
buttons: {
    ok: {
        'class': 'lobibox-btn lobibox-btn-default',
        text: 'OK',
        closeOnClick: true
    cancel: {
        'class': 'lobibox-btn lobibox-btn-cancel',
        text: 'Cancel',
        closeOnClick: true
    yes: {
        'class': 'lobibox-btn lobibox-btn-yes',
        text: 'Yes',
        closeOnClick: true
    no: {
        'class': 'lobibox-btn lobibox-btn-no',
        text: 'No',
        closeOnClick: true
icons: {
    bootstrap: {
        confirm: 'glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign',
        success: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign',
        error: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign',
        warning: 'glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign',
        info: 'glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign'
    fontAwesome: {
        confirm: 'fa fa-question-circle',
        success: 'fa fa-check-circle',
        error: 'fa fa-times-circle',
        warning: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
        info: 'fa fa-info-circle'

//Overriding default options
Lobibox.base.OPTIONS = $.extend({}, Lobibox.base.OPTIONS, {
... //override any options except those above which is written "DO NOT change"

Default options for confirm

title           : 'Question',
width           : 500,

//Overriding default options
Lobibox.confirm.DEFAULTS = $.extend({}, Lobibox.confirm.DEFAULTS, {
... //override any options from default options

Default options for prompt

width: 400,
attrs : {},         // Plain object of any valid attribute of input field
value: '',          // Value which is given to textfield when messagebox is created
multiline: false,   // Set this true for multiline prompt
lines: 3,           // This works only for multiline prompt. Number of lines
type: 'text',       // Prompt type. Available types (text|number|color)
label: ''           // Set some text which will be shown exactly on top of textfield
required: true,
errorMessage: 'The field is required'

//Overriding default options
Lobibox.prompt.DEFAULTS = $.extend({}, Lobibox.prompt.DEFAULTS, {
... //override any options from default options

Default options for alert

Lobibox.alert.DEFAULTS = {
warning: {
    title: 'Warning'
    title: 'Information'
success: {
    title: 'Success'
error: {
    title: 'Error'

//Overriding default options
Lobibox.alert.DEFAULTS = $.extend({}, Lobibox.alert.DEFAULTS, {
... //override any options from default options

Default options for progress

width               : 500,
showProgressLabel   : true,     // Show percentage of progress
label               : '',       // Show progress label
progressTpl         : false,    //Template of progress bar

Default options for window

width           : 480,
height          : 600,
content         : '',       // HTML Content of window
url             : '',       // URL which will be used to load content
draggable       : true,     // Override default option
autoload        : true,     // Auto load from given url when window is created
loadMethod      : 'GET',    // Ajax method to load content
showAfterLoad   : true,     // Show window after content is loaded or show and then load content
params          : {}        // Parameters which will be send by ajax for loading content

//Overriding default options
Lobibox.window.DEFAULTS = $.extend({}, Lobibox.window.DEFAULTS, {
... //override any options from default options


In order to call methods, first you must get the instance of the messagebox.

There are two ways to get the instance of the messagebox

// 1. Save the instance in variable when showing messagebox
var lobibox = Lobibox.confirm({
msg         : "Are you sure you want to delete this user?"
// 2. Or you can select the lobibox message element and get instance by data attribute
var lobibox = $('.lobibox-confirm').data('lobibox');

// And you can call any avaiable method
lobibox.setPosition(200, 400);
lobibox.setTitle('New title');

Methods for all messageboxes



Return type


hide - Return Instance

Parameters none


Hide the messagebox

destroy - Return Instance

Parameters none


Removes the messagebox from document

setWidth(width) - Return Instance


width - Integer, REQUIRED new width of messagebox


Set the width of messagebox

setHeight(height) - Return Instance


height - Integer, REQUIRED new height of messagebox


Set the height of messagebox

setSize(width, height) - Return Instance


width - Integer, REQUIRED new width of messagebox

height - Integer, REQUIRED new height of messagebox


Set the width and height of messagebox

setPosition(left, top) - Return Instance


left - (Integer|String), REQUIRED left coordinate of messsagebox or string representaing position. Available: ('top', 'center', 'bottom')

top - Integer, OPTIONAL Top coordinate of messagebox


Set position of messagebox

setTitle(title) - Return Instance


title - String, REQUIRED new title of messagebox


Set the title of messagebox

getTitle - Return String

Parameters none


Get the title of messagebox

show - Return Instance

Parameters none


Show messagebox


Methods for prompt



Return type


setValue(val) - Return Instance


val - String, REQUIRED value of input


Set value of input

getVaue - Return String

Parameters none


Get value of input

Methods for progress



Return type


setProgress(progress) - Return Instance


progress - Integer, REQUIRED progress value


Set progress value

getProgress - Return Integer

Parameters none


Get progress value

Methods for window



Return type


setParams(params) - Return Instance


params - Object, REQUIRED new params


Setter method for params option

getParams - Return Object

Parameters none


Getter method for params

setLoadMethod(method) - Return Instance


method - String, REQUIRED new method


Setter method of loadMethod option

getLoadMethod - Return String

Parameters none


Getter method for loadMethod option

setContent(content) - Return Instance


content - String, REQUIRED new content


Setter method of content option. Change the content of window

getContent - Return String

Parameters none


Getter method of content option

setUrl(url) - Return Instance


url - String, REQUIRED new url


Setter method of url option

getUrl - Return String

Parameters none


Getter method of url option

load(callback) - Return Instance


callback - Function, OPTIONAL callback function


Loads content to window by ajax from specific url


Using events

Lobibox.alert('info', {
onShow: function(lobibox){


Common events for all types messagebox






Lobibox - instance of plugin

Before messagebox is shown



Lobibox - instance of plugin

After messagebox is shown



Lobibox - instance of plugin

Before messagebox is closed



Lobibox - instance of plugin

After messagebox is closed

Progress messagebox event






Lobibox - instance of plugin

When progressbar progress is changed



Lobibox - instance of plugin

When progressbar progress is completed



msg: "Are you sure you want to delete this user?",

Show Error Show Success Show info Show Warning

Lobibox.alert(type, //AVAILABLE TYPES: "error", "info", "success", "warning"
msg: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet byron frown tumult minstrel wicked clouded bows columbine full"


Lobibox.prompt('text', //Any input type will be valid
title: 'Please enter username',
//Attributes of <input>
attrs: {
    placeholder: "Username"


title: 'Please wait',
label: 'Uploading files...',
onShow: function ($this) {
    var i = 0;
    var inter = setInterval(function () {
        if (i > 100) {
            inter = clearInterval(inter);
        i = i + 0.1;
    }, 10);

Bootstrap progress

title: 'Please wait',
label: 'Uploading files...',
progressTpl : '<div; class="progress lobibox-progress-outer">\n\
            <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger progress-bar-striped lobibox-progress-element" data-role="progress-text" role="progressbar"></div>\n\
onShow: function ($this) {
    var i = 0;
    var inter = setInterval(function () {
        if (i > 100) {
            inter = clearInterval(inter);
        i = i + 0.1;
    }, 10);


title: 'Window title',
content: '...'

Custom buttons



 Lobibox.alert('error', {
msg: 'This is an error message',
//buttons: ['ok', 'cancel', 'yes', 'no'],
//Or more powerfull way
buttons: {
    ok: {
        'class': 'btn btn-info',
        closeOnClick: false
    cancel: {
        'class': 'btn btn-danger',
        closeOnClick: false
    yes: {
        'class': 'btn btn-success',
        closeOnClick: false
    no: {
        'class': 'btn btn-warning',
        closeOnClick: false
    custom: {
        'class': 'btn btn-default',
        text: 'Custom'
callback: function(lobibox, type){
    var btnType;
    if (type === 'no'){
        btnType = 'warning';
    }else if (type === 'yes'){
        btnType = 'success';
    }else if (type === 'ok'){
        btnType = 'info';
    }else if (type === 'cancel'){
        btnType = 'error';
    Lobibox.notify(btnType, {
        size: 'mini',
        msg: 'This is ' + btnType +' message'

Disable icon


iconClass: false,
msg: 'Are you sure?'

Advanced usage of Lobibox.window


title: 'Window title',
//Available types: string, jquery object, function
content: function(){
    return $('.container');
url: 'https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.2/css/bootstrap.css',
autoload: false,
loadMethod: 'GET',
//Load parameters
params: {
    param1: 'Lorem',
    param2: 'Ipsum'
buttons: {
    load: {
        text: 'Load from url'
    close: {
        text: 'Close',
        closeOnClick: true
callback: function($this, type, ev){
    if (type === 'load'){
            //Do something when content is loaded


All popup boxes have callback option


msg: "Are you sure you want to delete this user?",
callback: function ($this, type, ev) {
    //Your code goes here

Popup type Confirm Alert Prompt Progress


Base class (default)

Show class

Hide class




Close button



Close on escape

Icon Class

Alert type Success Error Info Warning

Icon Class






Lines (For multiline)

Progress does not update itself.

But you can implement it easily when uploading or waiting something


Progress label

Create popup


Basic usage

'warning',  // Available types 'warning', 'info', 'success', 'error'


Default options for lobibox notifications

title: true,                // Title of notification. Do not include it for default title or set custom string. Set this false to disable title
size: 'normal',             // normal, mini, large
soundPath: 'src/sounds/',   // The folder path where sounds are located
soundExt: '.ogg',           // Default extension for all sounds
showClass: 'zoomIn',        // Show animation class.
hideClass: 'zoomOut',       // Hide animation class.
icon: true,                 // Icon of notification. Leave as is for default icon or set custom string
msg: '',                    // Message of notification
img: null,                  // Image source string
closable: true,             // Make notifications closable
delay: 5000,                // Hide notification after this time (in miliseconds)
delayIndicator: true,       // Show timer indicator
closeOnClick: true,         // Close notifications by clicking on them
width: 400,                 // Width of notification box
sound: true,                // Sound of notification. Set this false to disable sound. Leave as is for default sound or set custom soud path
position: "bottom right"    // Place to show notification. Available options: "top left", "top right", "bottom left", "bottom right"
iconSource: "bootstrap"     // "bootstrap" or "fontAwesome" the library which will be used for icons
rounded: false,             // Whether to make notification corners rounded
messageHeight: 60,          // Notification message maximum height. This is not for notification itself, this is for .lobibox-notify-msg
pauseDelayOnHover: true,    // When you mouse over on notification, delay will be paused, only if continueDelayOnInactiveTab is false.
onClickUrl: null,           // The url which will be opened when notification is clicked
showAfterPrevious: false,   // Set this to true if you want notification not to be shown until previous notification is closed. This is useful for notification queues
continueDelayOnInactiveTab: true, // Continue delay when browser tab is inactive

//Overriding default options
Lobibox.notify.DEFAULTS = $.extend({}, Lobibox.notify.DEFAULTS, {
... //override any options from default options

Available options for lobibox notifications

Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS = {
'class': 'animated-fast',
//You can override options for large notifications from here
large: {
    width: 500,
    messageHeight: 96
//You can override options for small notifications from here
mini: {
    'class': 'notify-mini',
    messageHeight: 32
//Default options of different style notifications
default: {
    'class': 'lobibox-notify-default',
    'title': 'Default',
    sound: false
success: {
    'title': 'Success',
    'icon': 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign',
    sound: 'sound2.mp3'
error: {
    'class': 'lobibox-notify-error',
    'title': 'Error',
    sound: 'sound4.mp3'
warning: {
    'class': 'lobibox-notify-warning',
    'title': 'Warning',
    sound: 'sound5.mp3'
info: {
    'class': 'lobibox-notify-info',
    'title': 'Information',
    sound: 'sound6.mp3'

//Overriding default options
Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS = $.extend({}, Lobibox.notify.OPTIONS, {
... //override any options from default options




Return type


remove - Return Instance

Parameters none


Delete the notification


Using events

Lobibox.notify('info', {
    onClick: function(){
        // your code goes here




onClick new


jQuery.Event - jquery event

When you click on notification


Pause delay of notification mouse over new


Lobibox.notify('default', {
    pauseDelayOnHover: true,
    continueDelayOnInactiveTab: false,
    msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet hears farmer indemnity inherent.'

Open url on notification click new


Lobibox.notify('default', {
    onClickUrl: 'http://google.com',
    msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet hears farmer indemnity inherent.'

Show notification after previous is closed new


Lobibox.notify('default', {
    showAfterPrevious: true,
    msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet hears farmer indemnity inherent.'

Continue delay even when browser tab is not active new


Lobibox.notify('default', {
    continueDelayOnInactiveTab: true,
    msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet hears farmer indemnity inherent.'

Rounded corners

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
    size: 'mini',
    rounded: true,
    delayIndicator: false,
    msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes.'

Position center

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
size: 'mini',
rounded: true,
delay: false,
position: 'center top', //or 'center bottom'
msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes.'

Different position

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
size: 'mini',
rounded: true,
delay: false,
position: {
    left: number, top: number
msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes.'

Basic notifications Can be closed by clicking on it

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes. Slight fallen one opportunity dyspepsia, puzzled quickening throbbing row worm numerous sagittis wreaths.'

With image

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
img: '...', //path to image

Disable sound

Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
sound: false,

Custom title

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
title: 'Custom title',

Without icon and image

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
icon: false,

Increase delay time

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
delay: 15000,  //In milliseconds

Sticky (without delay)

Default Info Warning Error Success

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Lobibox.notify(type, {
delay: false,

Alternative position

Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
position: 'bottom right' //AVAILABLE OPTIONS: 'top left', 'top right', 'bottom left', 'bottom right'

Change width

Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
width: 400 //Any Integer

Change Animation

For animation Lobibox is depended on animate.css. You can use any animate.css classes

By default .animated class is added

Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
showClass: 'fadeInDown',
hideClass: 'fadeUpDown',
width: 400 //Any Integer

Large Notifications

Large notifications

  • are sticky (they will not be closed automatically)
  • can be closed only by clicking close button
  • does not have delay
  • are larger in width

Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
size: 'large',
msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes.'

With Image

Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
img: '...',
size: 'large',
msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes.'

Alternative position

Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
size: 'large',
position: 'bottom left',
msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes.'

Change animation -->

Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
size: 'large',
showClass: 'fadeInDown',
hideClass: 'fadeUpDown',
msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes.'

Mini notifications

For mini notifications icon and image is shown on small size and title is disabled by default. Although you can enable it by giving title parameter when initializing.

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
size: 'mini',
msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes.'

With image

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
size: 'mini',
img: '...',
msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes.'

Without icon

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
size: 'mini',
icon: false,
msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes.'

With title

Default Info Warning Error Success

Lobibox.notify(type, {
size: 'mini',
title: 'Lorem ipsum',
msg: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet against apennine any created, spend loveliest, building stripes.'

Release Notes

  • v1.2.4

  • [new] Added pauseDelayOnHover option. When you mouse over on notification, delay will be paused, only if continueDelayOnInactiveTab is false.

  • [new] Added continueDelayOnInactiveTab option. Continue delay when browser tab is inactive.

  • [new] Added onClickUrl option. The url which will be opened when notification is clicked.

  • [new] Added showAfterPrevious option. Set this to true if you want notification not to be shown until previous notification is closed. This is useful for notification queues.

  • [new] Added continueDelayOnInactiveTab option. Continue delay when browser tab is inactive.

  • v1.2.3

  • Bower support added

  • Added default (dark) style notification

  • New (rounded) parameter in notifications to make notification corners rounded

  • Changed default show animation in notifications

  • Align icon/image always vertically center

  • New (messageHeight) property to restrict notification message not to increase too much in height

  • Option notification to be closable but hide close button. Thus notification will be closed by clicking on it

  • Method Lobibox.notify.closeAll() to close all notifications

  • Option to show notification in top center and bottom center

  • Option to position notification at any place by left and top coordinates

  • New (delay) option to close messagebox automatically

  • Fixed shown event bug. Now it is triggered at correct time

  • Validate prompt and show error message if it is empty

  • Non draggable messageboxes are always in center of window and their size (width, height) is always <= to window size (width, height)

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For documentation and examples visit the plugin's home page