
Learn how to setup a linux server with DNS

Primary LanguageApacheConf

Project: Linux Server Configuration

Demonstration on how to setup a linux server and deploy an web application using apache with WSGI.

Configuration Data

IP address SSH port Application URL Apache Document Root 2200 http://item-catalog.tk /var/www/html/item-catalog/catalog/server/ 2200 http://neighborhood-map.tk/ /var/www/html/neighborhood-map/

Linux and Google Cloud configuration

1 - Generate a RSA key pair:

2 - Create a Google VM

  • After you create a google cloud project go to VM Instances and create instance, also check the option allow http trafic.

3 - Update and upgrade packages

  • Connect to the server via ssh.
  • Run sudo apt-get update --quiet && sudo apt-get upgrade.

4 - Setup grader public key

  • Go to Metadata and add the public key generated by the first command.

5 - Change default ssh port

  • Run the command vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
  • Change the port value to 2200.

6 - Setup firewall rules

  • Go Firewall rules and perform the following operations:
  • Change the default-allow-ssh to allow connections tcp:2200.
  • Remove default-allow-icmp, default-allow-rdp and default-allow-internal.
  • Add default-allow-ntp to allow connections udp:123.
  • Install and setup ufw:
 sudo apt-get install ufw
 sudo ufw default deny incoming
 sudo ufw default allow outgoing
 # ssh connection
 sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp
 # http connection
 sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
 # ntp connection
 sudo ufw allow 123/udp
 sudo ufw enable

7 - Remove remote login as root

  • By default, SSH access is disabled for root, check documentation.
  • Read the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config and check if the value "no" is set for the following configurations PermitRootLogin, PasswordAuthentication.

8 - Reserve static external IP address

  • Go Networking and reserve a external ip address.

Apache HTTP Server

  • Install apache2: sudo apt-get install apache2
  • Install WSGI module: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

Git Hub

  • Install git: sudo apt-get install git-core.

Install Neighborhood Map Application

  • Clone Neighborhood Map at /var/www/html/.
  • Install NodeJS using NVM.
  • At the project directory run npm install.

Install Item Catalog Application

  • Clone Item Catalog at /var/www/html/ and switch to the postgresql branch.
  • Run the script /var/www/html/item-catalog/pg_config.sh.


Edit the pg_hba.conf file (/etc/postgresql/[VERSION]/main/pg_hba.conf) and add the following line to allow grader user connect:

host    item-catalog-db grader             trust

Alembic Migration

  • Create the migration: python manage.py db init
  • Create DDL scripts: python manage.py db migrate
  • Execute scripts: python manage.py db upgrade

Apache Virtual hosts

  • Copy the files neighborhood-map.tk.conf, item-catalog.tk.conf to /etc/apache2/sites-available
  • Active then using the following command:
    • sudo a2ensite /etc/apache2/sites-available/neighborhood-map.tk.conf
    • sudo a2ensite /etc/apache2/sites-available/item-catalog.tk.conf
  • And restart apache sudo service apache2 restart

DNS configuration

Create an account at https://my.freenom.com/clientarea.php and register two domains. Each domain should match with the domain informed at Virtual Hosts files.


Original Author and Development Lead