
Finetune ALL LLMs with ALL Adapeters on ALL Platforms!

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Finetune ALL LLMs with ALL Adapeters on ALL Platforms!


Model LoRA QLoRA AdaLoRA Prefix Tuning P-Tuning Prompt Tuning
ChatGLM ☑️ ☑️ ☑️
ChatGLM2 ☑️ ☑️ ☑️

You can Finetune LLM on

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac M1/2

You can Handle train / test Data with

  • Terminal
  • File
  • DataBase

You can Do various Task

  • CausalLM (default)
  • SequenceClassification

P.S. Unfortunately, SuperAdapters do not support qlora on Mac, please use lora/adalora instead.



yum install -y xz-devel


apt-get install -y liblzma-dev


brew install xz

If you want to use gpu on Mac, Please read How to use GPU on Mac

pip install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cpu
pip install -r requirements.txt


Model Download Link
Bloom https://huggingface.co/bigscience/bloom-560m
LLaMA https://huggingface.co/openlm-research/open_llama_3b_600bt_preview
LLaMA2 https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-hf
Vicuna https://huggingface.co/lmsys/vicuna-7b-delta-v1.1
ChatGLM https://huggingface.co/THUDM/chatglm-6b
ChatGLM2 https://huggingface.co/THUDM/chatglm2-6b
Qwen https://huggingface.co/Qwen/Qwen-7B-Chat

Finetune Data Format

Here is an example


ChatGLM with lora

python finetune.py --model_type chatglm --data "data/train/" --model_path "LLMs/chatglm/chatglm-6b/" --adapter "lora" --output_dir "output/chatglm"
python inference.py --model_type chatglm --instruction "Who are you?" --model_path "LLMs/chatglm/chatglm-6b/" --adapter_weights "output/chatglm" --max_new_tokens 32

LLaMa with lora

python finetune.py --model_type llama --data "data/train/" --model_path "LLMs/open-llama/open-llama-3b/" --adapter "lora" --output_dir "output/llama"
python inference.py --model_type llama --instruction "Who are you?" --model_path "LLMs/open-llama/open-llama-3b" --adapter_weights "output/llama" --max_new_tokens 32

Bloom with lora

python finetune.py --model_type bloom --data "data/train/" --model_path "LLMs/bloom/bloomz-560m" --adapter "lora" --output_dir "output/bloom"
python inference.py --model_type bloom --instruction "Who are you?" --model_path "LLMs/bloom/bloomz-560m" --adapter_weights "output/bloom" --max_new_tokens 32

Qwen with lora

python finetune.py --model_type qwen --data "data/train/" --model_path "LLMs/Qwen/Qwen-7b-chat" --adapter "lora" --output_dir "output/Qwen"
python inference.py --model_type qwen --instruction "Who are you?" --model_path "LLMs/Qwen/Qwen-7b-chat" --adapter_weights "output/Qwen" --max_new_tokens 32

Baichuan with lora

python finetune.py --model_type baichuan --data "data/train/" --model_path "LLMs/baichuan/baichuan-7b" --adapter "lora" --output_dir "output/baichuan"
python inference.py --model_type baichuan --instruction "Who are you?" --model_path "LLMs/baichuan/baichuan-7b" --adapter_weights "output/baichuan" --max_new_tokens 32

Use Classify Mode

You need to specify task_type('classify') and labels

python finetune.py --model_type llama --data "data/train/alpaca_tiny_classify.json" --model_path "LLMs/open-llama/open-llama-3b" --adapter "lora" --output_dir "output/llama" --task_type classify --labels '["0", "1"]' --disable_wandb
python inference.py --model_type llama --data "data/train/alpaca_tiny_classify.json" --model_path "LLMs/open-llama/open-llama-3b" --adapter_weights "output/llama" --task_type classify --labels '["0", "1"]' --disable_wandb

Use DataBase

  1. You need to install a MySQL, and put the db config into the system env.


export LLM_DB_HOST=''
export LLM_DB_PORT=3306
  1. create the necessary tables

Here is the sql files

source xxxx.sql
  • db_iteration: [train/test] The record's set name.
  • db_type: [test] The record is whether "train" or "test".
  • db_test_iteration: [test] The record's test set name.
  1. finetune (use chatglm for example)
python finetune.py --model_type chatglm --fromdb --db_iteration xxxxxx --model_path "LLMs/chatglm/chatglm-6b/" --adapter "lora" --output_dir "output/chatglm" --disable_wandb
  1. eval
python inference.py --model_type chatglm --fromdb --db_iteration xxxxxx --db_type 'test' --db_test_iteration yyyyyyy --model_path "LLMs/chatglm/chatglm-6b/" --adapter_weights "output/chatglm" --max_new_tokens 6



usage: finetune.py [-h] [--data DATA] [--model_type {llama,chatglm,chatglm2,bloom}] [--task_type {seq2seq,classify}] [--labels LABELS] [--model_path MODEL_PATH] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--disable_wandb]
                   [--adapter {lora,adalora,prompt,p_tuning,prefix}] [--lora_r LORA_R] [--lora_alpha LORA_ALPHA] [--lora_dropout LORA_DROPOUT]
                   [--lora_target_modules LORA_TARGET_MODULES [LORA_TARGET_MODULES ...]] [--adalora_init_r ADALORA_INIT_R] [--adalora_tinit ADALORA_TINIT] [--adalora_tfinal ADALORA_TFINAL]
                   [--adalora_delta_t ADALORA_DELTA_T] [--num_virtual_tokens NUM_VIRTUAL_TOKENS] [--mapping_hidden_dim MAPPING_HIDDEN_DIM] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
                   [--cutoff_len CUTOFF_LEN] [--val_set_size VAL_SET_SIZE] [--group_by_length] [--logging_steps LOGGING_STEPS] [--load_8bit] [--add_eos_token]
                   [--resume_from_checkpoint [RESUME_FROM_CHECKPOINT]] [--per_gpu_train_batch_size PER_GPU_TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE] [--gradient_accumulation_steps GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS] [--fromdb]
                   [--db_iteration DB_ITERATION]

Finetune for all.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data DATA           the data used for instructing tuning
  --model_type {llama,chatglm,chatglm2,bloom,qwen}
  --task_type {seq2seq,classify}
  --labels LABELS       Labels to classify, only used when task_type is classify
  --model_path MODEL_PATH
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        The DIR to save the model
  --disable_wandb       Disable report to wandb
  --adapter {lora,adalora,prompt,p_tuning,prefix}
  --lora_r LORA_R
  --lora_alpha LORA_ALPHA
  --lora_dropout LORA_DROPOUT
  --lora_target_modules LORA_TARGET_MODULES [LORA_TARGET_MODULES ...]
                        the module to be injected, e.g. q_proj/v_proj/k_proj/o_proj for llama, query_key_value for bloom&GLM
  --adalora_init_r ADALORA_INIT_R
  --adalora_tinit ADALORA_TINIT
                        number of warmup steps for AdaLoRA wherein no pruning is performed
  --adalora_tfinal ADALORA_TFINAL
                        fix the resulting budget distribution and fine-tune the model for tfinal steps when using AdaLoRA
  --adalora_delta_t ADALORA_DELTA_T
                        interval of steps for AdaLoRA to update rank
  --num_virtual_tokens NUM_VIRTUAL_TOKENS
  --mapping_hidden_dim MAPPING_HIDDEN_DIM
  --epochs EPOCHS
  --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
  --cutoff_len CUTOFF_LEN
  --val_set_size VAL_SET_SIZE
  --logging_steps LOGGING_STEPS
  --resume_from_checkpoint [RESUME_FROM_CHECKPOINT]
                        resume from the specified or the latest checkpoint, e.g. `--resume_from_checkpoint [path]` or `--resume_from_checkpoint`
  --per_gpu_train_batch_size PER_GPU_TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size per GPU/CPU for training.
  --gradient_accumulation_steps GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS
  --db_iteration DB_ITERATION
                        The record's set name.


usage: inference.py [-h] [--instruction INSTRUCTION] [--input INPUT] [--data DATA] [--model_type {llama,chatglm,chatglm2,bloom}] [--task_type {seq2seq,classify}] [--labels LABELS] [--model_path MODEL_PATH]
                    [--adapter_weights ADAPTER_WEIGHTS] [--load_8bit] [--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--top_p TOP_P] [--top_k TOP_K] [--max_new_tokens MAX_NEW_TOKENS] [--fromdb] [--db_type DB_TYPE]
                    [--db_iteration DB_ITERATION] [--db_test_iteration DB_TEST_ITERATION]

Inference for all.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Debug Mode to output detail info
  --instruction INSTRUCTION
  --input INPUT
  --data DATA           The DIR of test data
  --model_type {llama,chatglm,chatglm2,bloom,qwen}
  --task_type {seq2seq,classify}
  --labels LABELS       Labels to classify, only used when task_type is classify
  --model_path MODEL_PATH
  --adapter_weights ADAPTER_WEIGHTS
                        The DIR of adapter weights
  --temperature TEMPERATURE
                        temperature higher, LLM is more creative
  --top_p TOP_P
  --top_k TOP_K
  --max_new_tokens MAX_NEW_TOKENS
  --db_type DB_TYPE     The record is whether 'train' or 'test'.
  --db_iteration DB_ITERATION
                        The record's set name.
  --db_test_iteration DB_TEST_ITERATION
                        The record's test set name.

Label Web


python web/label.py


python web/label.py --type chat
