
IDEA GENERATION: The point of this week's lab is to figure out a cool interaction that you can make possible with the a micro controller which can record data generated by a sensor, and then play it back. You could make programmable piano. You could make that records how much you toss and turn at night. You could make something that measures the changing light levels in your room.

Draw sketches with each of your ideas.

  1. If light levels in surounding room are high, play a song. If light levels are low, don't play any sounds.
  2. Guess what time of day it is based on surrounding light levels.
  3. Change the volume of a song playing based on how much force is applied to a sensor.
  4. Use accelerometer to record how fast someone can run
  5. Make a flappy bird-esque game with force sensor, e.g. the harder you press, the higher your player flies and the lighter you press, the lower your player flies
