Phpizza Blog

github randos

This is my new blog built on Jekyll. I like it.

It uses a custom theme built on Tailwind CSS, and includes a local copy of to make page transitions feel even snappier. It also includes a Puppeteer setup for generating a PDF of the Resume page.


Feel free to use the tooling and theme that I've set up for your own blog or site, just make sure not to publish my content by accident!

Compiling CSS

I'm using Laravel Mix to build the CSS, and committing the compiled, minified file. It also uses purgecss when running a production build to keep the final CSS as tiny as possible.


This works best with two shells:

jekyll serve
npm i
npm run watch


Before committing, a final build and production npm build are required to generate the minified file with unused selectors stripped.

jekyll build
npm ci
npm run prod

Building Resume PDF

A script is included to generate a PDF of the Resume page. So far it's only been run on macOS so we're getting those fonts in the output 😋

cd pdf
npm ci
npm run pdf