
History is cyclical, the future of communication is pictographic.

Primary LanguagePHP


An Emoji-only social microblogging site. Vue SPA with a Laravel API back-end.


Get a web server set up with the requirements:

  • PHP 8.1
  • MySQL 8 or other Laravel-compatible RDBMS
  • Node LTS (16 or later)

Then clone the repo and run this stuff:

cp .env.example .env
composer install
# Add database details to .env file, then continue
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
npm ci
npm run dev


All core functionality in Emojlo is handled by a REST API. Endpoints that require authentication can work with an HTTP cookie when used from the web UI, or with a bearer token when called from a separate app.


  • POST /login - log in from a web interface
  • POST /logout - log out from a web interface


  • GET /tokens - list access tokens for the authenticated user
  • POST /tokens - create an access token for the authenticated user. If no user is authenticated, accepts email and password fields
  • DELETE /tokens/{token} - delete an access token - must be authenticated


  • GET /api/user - get the currently authenticated user
  • GET /api/users - get a paginated list of users, sorted by most-recent
  • GET /api/users/{username} - get a user by username
  • POST /api/users - create a user account
  • PUT /api/users/{username} - update a user account - must be the authenticated user
  • DELETE /api/users/{username} - delete a user account - must be the authenticated user


  • GET /api/posts - get a paginated list of posts, sorted by most-recent
  • GET /api/users/{username}/posts - get a paginated list of posts by a specific user, sorted by most-recent
  • GET /api/posts/{id} - get a post by id
  • POST /api/posts - create a post
  • DELETE /api/posts/{id} - delete a post - must be owned by the authenticated user