Hi 👋🏼, I'm Aitor

A passionate FullStack developer from Barcelona and serial coffee drinker ☕️

A creative engineer based in Barcelona with a background in industrial engineering, fullstack development and design.

Proactive and free spirit, learning from my own new techonolgies everyday to develop personal projects.

Interested in UX/UI, digital media, innovative thinking and project management.

  • 📚 I love to be constantly learning

  • 📥 Contact me via aitor.lancharro@gmail.com or Linkedin Aitor Lancharro

  • ⚙️ Fun fact: I studied mechanical engineering because I wanted to be like Tony Stark :)

Languages and Tools

html5   css3   javascript   typescript   angular   react   vuejs   nodejs   mongodb   supabase   git   TailwindCSS   visualStudioCode   figma

GitHub Stats

Aitor Lancharro Github Stats Aitor Lancharro Programming Language Stats

Contact Me

aitorlancharrohurtado  alanch_8   alanch8   alanch8