Taco Cat Catcher - A Collection Style Game

This game was started in the 2024 Girls Who Code SIP (Summer Immersion Program), and after becoming an alumni, I found Hack Club and decided to fully flesh out my game and make it into something unique. So, here I am!

Where Can I Play It?

Well, currently this game is still a work in progress. When it's completed, I'll put the link to the deployed game here! (See TODO for more details on my progress)




  • Add home screen
  • Add how to play screen
  • Add level progression
  • Add high score functionality
  • Add bonus item
  • Add leaderboard


  • Figure out system error
  • Fix collider bug


  • Organize code to increase readability
  • Figure out how to make image for fallingObject sprite random (50% chance of each image)
  • Figure out how to delay the creation of badFallingObject sprite for a few secs
  • Fix pixelated sprite images


  • Add sound effects
  • Add animations?
  • Change canvas size?