
A collection / list of awesome projects, sites made with Rails.

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A collection of all things awesome about Rails. Inspired by other awesome-* stuffs.(see Notable Awesome Stuffs part below) Contributions and pull requests are kindly welcomed!

Table of Contents

Essential Links



Apps Made with Rails

Sources and demos (if available) of fully or partially apps made with Rails


  • publify A self hosted Web publishing platform on Rails Live
  • obtvse2 A clean and simple markdown blogging platform on Rails

Community Management

  • discourse A platform for community discussion Live
  • loomio A collaborative decision-making tool that makes it easy for anyone Live
  • campo A lightweight forum application, base on Ruby on Rails Live
  • onebody A private member portal for churches built with Ruby on Rails Live
  • calagator An event aggregator based in Portland, OR Live

Crowdfunding & Fundraising

Developer Tools


  • Spree Spree is a complete open source e-commerce solution for Ruby on Rails. Live


  • quant Quant is a prototype/experiment of a personal health tracker
  • dgi-db Rails frontend to The Genome Institute's drug gene interaction database Live
  • popHealth An Open Source Population Health Reporting Prototype



  • Beatstream App for streaming music from any computer running Ruby on Rails to anywhere
  • listenup An application that allows users to search for songs and add them to friends playlist Live


  • growstuff An open source/open data project to create a website for food gardeners Live
  • inaturalist Open source Rails app behind iNaturalist.org Live
  • OpenFarm A free and open database for farming and gardening knowledge

Personal Management

  • tracks A "Getting Things Done" application Live
  • hummingbird A modern anime discovery platform that helps you track the anime you're watching, discover new anime and socialize with other fans Live


  • whitehall Inside Government: how the UK Government works, what it's doing, and how you can get involved
  • askaway Ask New Zealand's political parties your questions this election Live

Project Management

  • redmine A flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails Live
  • teambox The award-winning collaboration solution, inspired by Basecamp, Yammer and Twitter Live
  • kanban A Trello clone in Rails and Backbone.js Live
  • openproject A web based project management system built on Ruby on Rails Live
  • people Manage people within the projects Live
  • WebsiteOne A platform for online collaboration and crowdsourced project development Live
  • houston Mission control for your projects and teammates
  • hours A complete time registration app for teams Live

Social Networking

Social Responsibility

  • adopt-a-hydrant A Ruby on Rails application that allows citizens to "adopt" civic infrastructure, such as fire hydrants Live
  • planningalerts-app Find out and have your say about what's being built and knocked down in your area Live
  • spokenvote A social voting app for reaching consensus in a group of any size Live



Apps that aren't categorised yet

  • feedbin A simple, fast and nice looking RSS reader Live
  • brimir Email helpdesk built using Ruby on Rails and Zurb Foundation Live
  • lobsters Rails code running the lobste.rs link aggregation site
  • otwarchive An open-source web application intended for hosting archives of fanworks, including fanfic, fanart, and fan vids Live
  • peatio An open-source crypto currency exchange Live
  • openstreetmap-website Mirror of the Rails application powering Live
  • RapidFTR An Android-based mobile application that lets aid workers collect, sort and share information about children in emergency situations Live
  • danbooru A taggable image board written in Rails 3 Live
  • sharetribe A platform for setting up your own peer-to-peer marketplace online Live
  • AsakusaSatellite A realtime chat application for developers Live
  • sanataro Simple Web Household Account Book. built with Ruby on Rails Live
  • opencongress An open website for opening Congress
  • rletters Web application designed to perform digital humanities research tasks on a database of journal articles Live
  • scholarsphere A web application for ingest, curation, search, and display of digital assets
  • opensit An open source meditation community Live
  • fromthepage A wiki-like application for crowdsourcing transcription of handwritten documents Live
  • graff_mags Upload and display collection of 2000+ graffiti magazines Live
  • trado lightweight, easy to use e-commerce platform designed for sole traders and SME businesses
  • CoRM Easier than a CRM Live
  • leihs An easy inventory handling system
  • fairnopoly A free market place in the hand of the users Live
  • AirCasting A platform for recording, mapping, and sharing health and environmental data using your smartphone Live
  • reservations Manages reservations for equipment (allows student reservations) Live
  • ekylibre Simple agricultural ERP Live
  • calcentral An online portal that provides a unified and personalized one-stop way to access email, calendars, shared documents and class collaboration spaces Live
  • encrypt.to Send encrypted messages by one click Live
  • eol Encyclopedia of Life Live
  • crabgrass-core A web application designed for activist groups to be better able to collaborate online
  • alaveteli Provide a Freedom of Information request system for your jurisdiction Live
  • PasswordPusher A Ruby on Rails application to communicate passwords over the web Live
  • rentmybikes-rails A fully functional, deployable marketplace implementation using Balanced API for Rails Live
  • lavish a rails app that generates Bootstrap color scheme from an image Live
  • coursemology2 Rails 4 re-write of Coursemology
  • Helpy Rails 4 Helpdesk. Includes Multilingual Knowledgebase, Email Tickets, Community Live

Other Rails Tools


Generator Ready to run Complex Apps Sets git Heroku
Rails Composer yes, but Stripe needs to be configured Example apps reaching a SaaS with Stripe. yes yes
Prelang Had to modify database credentials manually Customizable models. But no payments. yes no
Hobo Rails version problems, if using a late version It seems according screencast, helps a lot with MVC boilerplate. no no

Notable Awesome Stuffs