
How to stop overwriting existing nuspec file?

AMoghrabi opened this issue · 5 comments

I am following the example on the wiki on how to build a nuget package. I want it to build using an existing nuspec file. However, albacore forcefully overwrites the existing nuspec file. I cannot find an option to disable this behavior, even though there was an issue created a few years back to address support for existing nuspec files.

My goal is to use an existing nuspec file if it exists and only modify the author, description, and version. If one does not exist, I would like albacore to generate one.

Thanks for the help.

haf commented

We did have an issue a few years back, but that feature fell into disrepair as it didn't have proper unit tests to keep it alive. We can still read a nuspec file but can't avoid overwriting it anymore. If you fix the feature back up that would make a good PR; remember to add PRs.

If you just want to see the generated nuspec, just add DEBUG=true .

Thanks for the quick response. I would love to attempt it but I am not very good with Ruby unfortunately :(

haf commented

We all start somewhere...

Good point :) I will strongly consider doing this, actually. It's a good learning opportunity. Thanks @haf.

haf commented

Closing due to lack of action. We can re-open if we decide we want this feature.