- 4
New maintainer wanted
#252 opened by jacob-ewald - 11
How to pass /restore to MSBuild 15.5+?
#250 opened by logiclrd - 1
could not find alignment reference
#247 opened by moutusee - 5
- 1
Flowcell specifications
#245 opened by LaraUrban - 1
Long run time
#244 opened by LaraUrban - 0
How is the event stdv in the basecalled fast5 file calculated? [Edited: wrong albacore that I was looking for]
#243 opened by EPKok - 1
Detection of build failures?
#242 opened by logiclrd - 11
cannot find 'csprojfile' tool in 3.0.1
#241 opened by lwiechec - 6
#239 opened by AnthonyMastrean - 4
Too many open files - where "msbuild" 2> nul
#240 opened by thefernman - 0
semver dep
#236 opened by haf - 8
Support paket pack
#174 opened by haf - 15
nugets_pack with nuget_gem_exe path problem
#186 opened by joelwilson - 3
nuspec: Normalizing target results in invalid spec
#199 opened by et1975 - 1
- 4
- 2
Question: Support for .NET Core?
#233 opened by polarapfel - 4
Support for MSBuild 15
#229 opened by dusk0r - 1
- 0
Let absolute paths be used for test runner executable
#224 opened by subatta - 9
Unable to activate, rake conflict
#222 opened by bgblanch - 0
paket parser should handle paket groups
#221 opened by haf - 0
[nugets_pack] fetch `IconUrl` element from fsproj
#187 opened by haf - 1
Project.fallback_output_path doesn't apply common msbuild properties to the found text
#220 opened by baronfel - 4
- 5
How to stop overwriting existing nuspec file?
#196 opened by AMoghrabi - 0
Automate builds with target moniker ranges
#209 opened by gbakeman - 1
Keep a Changelog
#166 opened by AnthonyMastrean - 4
Cannot build from nuspec on Windows
#198 opened by munkyjunky - 9
Add ILMerge as tool
#164 opened by devployment - 6
Problem building projects using MSBuild 14
#184 opened by wallymathieu - 1
New release
#218 opened by jonathanmorley - 7
- 1
Mono 4.4.1 shipped broken msbuild
#210 opened by haf - 10
- 5
MS test wont run with Albacore 2.5
#178 opened by shine17 - 1
Releasing nuget packages without using versionizer?
#197 opened by AMoghrabi - 1
Bump dependencies, specifically nokogiri
#191 opened - 0
[nugets_pack] with different architectures
#189 opened by haf - 2
Engine is nil error with asmver_files method
#188 opened by alimunn-CAT - 4
Be able to use nuget gem in a simple way
#181 opened by wallymathieu - 1
- 0
Support mono mdb files out of the box
#180 opened by haf - 1
Alabcore not building the project in 'Release' mode
#179 opened by shine17 - 2
- 1
Add support for nocache attribute in nugets_restore
#173 opened by klewin - 7
Doesn't work with MSBuild 14.0
#170 opened by aaronasmith - 3
- 3