
A minimal template for starting a thruster website project with tests, coverage 100%, browser refresh

Primary LanguageRust


A minimal template for starting a thruster website project with:

  • tests
  • coverage 100%
  • browser refresh


  • First install cargo generate: cargo install --force cargo-generate
  • cargo generate --git https://github.com/ami44/thruster-basic-template.git --name myproject
  • cd myproject
  • fastmod -d . 'YOURORGANISATION' 'myorganisation'

delete lines above after clone


keep lines below after clone



  • git clone https://github.com/YOURORGANISATION/{{project-name}}.git
  • cd {{project-name}}
  • cargo run
  • open http://localhost:4321



  • install catflap + cargo-cmd + cargo-watch beforehand cargo install --force catflap cargo-cmd cargo-watch
  • export RUST_LOG=myapp=trace - optional trace|debug|info|warn|error
  • export PORT=4321 - optional, default 4321
  • cargo cmd watch_debug or cargo cmd watch (alias to watch_debug)


Firefox, Chrome, Edge but your html must contain the tag <script src=""></script>

  • install nodejs beforehand
  • npm install nodemon -g to add cmd nodemon
  • npm install make-livereload -g to add cmd tiny-lr
  • tiny-lr start livereload server, port=35729
  • navigate to http://localhost:4321
  • nodemon --delay 3000ms --watch target/debug/myapp --exec 'curl --noproxy "*" http://localhost:35729/changed?files=index.html' (adapt delay according to your compilation time)

Test & coverage

Test only

  • cargo test
  • or nodemon -e rs --watch tests --exec 'carg test'

Tarpaulin (Linux only)

  • install pycobertura beforehand export http_proxy=https://user@mydomain:port && export https_proxy=https://user@mydomain:port && export HTTP_PROXY=https://user@mydomain:port && export HTTPS_PROXY=https://user@mydomain:port && sudo pip --verbose --proxy=https://user@mydomain:port install --upgrade pip setuptools setuptools_git pycobertura --verbose ref
  • install tarpaulin beforehand RUSTFLAGS="--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt" cargo install --force cargo-tarpaulin ref
  • cargo tarpaulin --ignore-tests --out Xml
  • or nodemon -e rs --watch tests --exec 'cargo tarpaulin --ignore-tests --out Xml'
  • pycobertura show --format html --output coverage.html cobertura.xml && open coverage.html