
A website crawler with scrapy

Primary LanguageHTML


This is a web scrapper built in Python with the Scrapy Library. The website scrapped is "books.toscrape.com" a website built to practice web scrapping.


First you will want to create your virtual environment, then run pip install -r requirements.txt To run the spider you will enter scrapy crawl books

How the Spider Moves:

Spider starts on the main page and moves into the category links that are listed on the side. From there the spider moves into each book webpage. There is one pipeline that saves all the data gethered into a json line file inside a json folder. Each webpage is saved as an html file on a local folder to ensure the orginal data is never lost. The html files are divided into the categories and the book folders to make searching them easy.

Data Dictionary:

Below I have a data dictionary for the project.

Data Dictionary:

  • Main Page
    • category_name - category names
    • category_link - links for category pages
  • Category pages
    • book_name - book names
    • book_link - links that take you to the book's page
  • book page
    • full_bookname - book name
    • priceinpounds - price
    • rating - rating
    • product information:
      • upc - UPC
      • producttype - Product type
      • priceexcludetax -price excl. tax in lbs
      • priceincludetax - price incl. tax in lbs
      • tax - tax in lbs
      • availability - availability
      • numberavailable - number of avilable books
      • numberofreviews - number of reviews