
Extracts Wikipedia link text and link targets from Wikipedia XML dumps downloaded from wikimedia.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Extracts Wikipedia link text and link targets from Wikipedia XML dumps downloaded from the wikimedia.

These data can then be used to improve named entity linking tasks as outlined in the paper Weichselbraun, Albert, Kuntschik, Philipp and Brasoveanu, Adrian M.P.. (2019). Name Variants for Improving Entity Discovery and Linking. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019), Leipzig, Germany..

Example data

The link text to link mapping CSV files assign link text (first column) to the corresponding DBpedia resource (second column; generated by suffixing the provided destination with http://dbpedia.org) as illustrated below:

John Hunter     John Hunter (New South Wales)
Patriarch of Constantinople     Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
AU      Astronomical unit
Louis III       Louis III of France
Virginia Company of London      London Company
colonial settlements in North America   British colonization of the Americas
Great Britain   Kingdom of Great Britain
affects Earth's climate Year Without a Summer
Ottoman government      Ottoman Empire
Maximilian of Habsburg  Maximilian I of Mexico
addresses       Lee's Farewell Address
Abyssinia       Ethiopia

The unique link mapping uses the SKOS vocabulary to describe relations between DBpedia resources and labels:

@prefix skos:<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
@prefix dbr:<http://dbpedia.org/resource/>
dbr:Libertarian_socialism   skos:altLabel   "anti-authoritarian interpretations"
dbr:Taoism   skos:altLabel   "Taoist philosophers"
dbr:Cynicism_(philosophy)   skos:altLabel   "Cynics"
dbr:Zoroastrianism   skos:altLabel   "Zoroastrian Prophet"
dbr:Egalitarianism   skos:altLabel   "egalitarian society"
dbr:Christian_anarchism   skos:altLabel   "religious anarchism"


Generate a TSV file that contains a mapping from Wikipedia link text to the corresponding link targets.

python3 ./wikipedia-link-extractor.py enwiki-20190320-pages-articles.xml.bz2 link-file.csv.xz

Transform the created link mapping to the RDF format (turtle).

python3 ./get-unique-mappings.py link-file.csv.xz unique-links.n3.xz turtle

Available datasets

The following datasets have been extracted with the method outlined above and are available for download.

  1. Wikipedia link text to link mapping (CSV) based on the
  2. An RDF file containing unique link text to link mappings (i.e. mappings that are only used to refer to a single DBpedia resource). The files use skos:altLabel to link between the DBpedia resource and the unique link text.
  3. Source data (DBpedia dumps) as provided by archive.org