
Lipschitz regularization of deep neural networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository implements the Lipschitz regularization methods discussed in Improved robustness to adversarial examples using Lipschitz regularization of the loss. Models are penalized by an estimate of their Lipschitz constant, taken as the maximum 2-norm of the model gradient with respect to the model input. The maximum is taken over mini-batches.

We also implement three types of adversarial training:

  1. Standard FGSM, which we show is equivalent to penalizing by the average 1-norm of the model gradients
  2. Gradient ascent, where images are perturbed in the direction of the model gradient. This is equivalent to penalizing by the average 2-norm of the model gradients
  3. Perturbing images in the maximum entry-wise component of the gradient, which is equivalent to penalizing by the average inf-norm of the gradients.
  4. Projected Gradient Descent adversarial training/attack.


Requires Python 3 and at least PyTorch 0.4.1.


Models are trained with train.py. Lipschitz regularization is enabled by passing the flag --lip and a scalar Lagrange multiplier. Similarly FGSM, gradient ascent, maximum-entry and PGD adversarial training are respectively enabled with the flags --J1, --J2, --Jinf along with a Lagrange multiplier and --PGDinf along with configuration.

For example, in the paper the best (adversarially robust) models were trained with --tanh --decay 5e-4 --lip 0.1 --J2 0.01 (includes weight decay and a final sigmoid layer). We didn't tune these Lagrange multipliers, and expect better results could be achieved with more tuning effort.

To incorporate this type of regularization into your own training scripts, we have included two modules, adversarial_training.py and penalties.py. The former contains all necessary functions to perturb training images, while the latter contains code for the Lipschitz penalty.

Model summary

Summary statistics for a trained model are gathered with summary.py. This includes the estimate of the Lipschitz constant on the test data, the norm of the product of weight matrices, and best test error.


We include two attack scripts. The first, nnattack.py, calculates the L2 distance between each test image and the nearest training image with a different label. The second, attack.py, is a wrapper into Foolbox, and attacks all test images with one of many available adversarial attacks.


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  title={Improved robustness to adversarial examples using {L}ipschitz regularization of the loss},
  author={Finlay, Chris and Oberman, Adam and Abbasi, Bilal},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.00953},