Fatto da Alberto Girardi, a San Vito, Friuli, Italia
Ad gloriam humanitatis
GOAL: building an OS totally from scratch. Have fun along the way. Learning assembly language, low level management of memory and execution, C language implementation and low level usage, kernel architectures and abstraction layers.
To be used on qemu, (booting as a flat binary for now).
Totally insecure. Complete possibility of memory acces.
in developement
Initial inspiration spark: jdh's "Tetris OS". First steps following nanobyte OS and Making an OS (x86)
Extrely useful information from osdev.org
- i686-elf cross compiler, GNU gcc and ld, with libgcc
- nasm
- qemu
- make
makefile targets:
make tclean ;deletes build directory
make clean ;deletes other tmp build files, only final image remains
make recomp ;tclean and then compiles
make odump ;objdump of all .o files
make run
reboot from inside: press "r"
- in the following weeks
- first function: 21/9/2023
- print function, loops, arithmetic functions tests, playing around, end of asm tests 2 22/09/2023
- function that prints a decimal number 24/09/2023
- Understanding of asm memory model, stack
- passing function argument to the stack 29/09/2023
- getting user input via keyboard 05/09/2023
- rebooting
- reading from the disk (crude test 14/10/2023)
- read from disk and load to memory function and stage 2 bootloader: 15/10/2023
- ENTER 32 BIT MODE (gdt, new segments) 19/10/2023
- 32 bit coding in the following days, reimplementing old functions
- c kernel working 25/10/2023
- kernel lib linking
- vga drivers 27/10/2023
- problems with global variables
- problem solved 2/11/2023
- implemented integer and hex printing function 3/11/2023
- printf
- terminal and scrolling, changing vga mode
- interrupts
- keyboard input /
- reboot /
- reading disk and 2 stage bootloader/
- kernel loader/
- cross compiler and c running/
- asm c wrappers
- interrupts handling
- screen vga drivers/
- screen management/
- printf
- hardware abstraction layer
- disk drivers
- keyboard drivers