Image reconstruction: sparse linear inverse problem

General Description

Sparse Linear Inverse Problem is the estimation of an unknown signal from indirect, noisy, underdetermined measurements by exploiting the knowledge that the signal has many zeros. We compare various iterative algorithmic approaches to this problem and explore how they benefit from loop-unrolling and deep learning.

In this project we've implemented deep neural networks for the sparse linear inverse problem for images in the wavelet domain, where the images are quite sparse. We are to reconstruct images distorted by white gaussian noise.

Applications: image compression, image quality enhancement (noise removal). NLA methods: compressive sensing, sparse matrices processing and its storage, singular value decomposition, orthogonal transformations (DFT, DWT, DCT).


  1. TAMPERE17 noise-free image database.

300 color images 512x512 pixels without noise (variance < 1), without interpolation and without lossy compression.

  1. USC-SIPI dataset

For this dataset we combined pictures from four folders and consider images with size 512x512 only.

To reproduce the results and work with datasets you should download 2 datasets (archives) and then run all cells in datasets notebook.

Files and folders description

Dataset.ipynb - consists the code to upload and process with data.

Metrics.ipynb - describes the metrics we used to assess the quality of the denoised images.

  1. Mean square error (MSE)
  2. Normalized mean square error (NMSE)
  3. Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR)
  4. Structural similarity index measure (SSIM)

tests.ipynb - demonstration of implemented algorithms (ISTA, FISTA, AMP, LISTA).

Presentation_demo.ipynb - consists data for demonstration.


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