
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Steps to Create and Deploy:

set up local

in your browser

  1. fork this repo

in your terminal

  1. clone your fork of this repo onto your local computer somewhere outside the class repo
  2. cd into the local repo
  3. don't forget to run npm install

local postgres

  1. open your postgres app and start the db server

if you deleted your old "contacts" database from class

  1. in your terminal, if running psql gives you "command not found", run ln -s /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/latest/bin/psql /usr/local/bin/psql

  2. in the postgres app, double click one of the existing databases to enter psql

  3. once inside psql, run:

    1. CREATE DATABASE contacts;
    2. \c contacts
    3. CREATE TABLE people (id SERIAL, name VARCHAR(16), age INT);
    4. INSERT INTO people ( name, age ) VALUES ( 'Matt', 38 );
    5. INSERT INTO people ( name, age ) VALUES ( 'Sally', 54 );
    6. INSERT INTO people ( name, age ) VALUES ( 'Zanthar', 4892 );

in your terminal

  1. run nodemon

in your browser

go to http://localhost:3000/ to view local app (note this uses your local database)

confirm all CRUD functionality

set up heroku

in your terminal

  1. run heroku create (take note of the app name for later)

in your browser

  1. go to heroku.com in your browser and sign in
  2. find this newly created heroku app in your list of available apps and click on it
  3. go to resources to use the Add-ons search bar
  4. search for postgres and choose Heroku Postgres
  5. choose "Hobby Dev - Free"
  6. click provision

in your terminal

  1. run heroku pg:psql
  2. once inside heroku's psql, run
    1. CREATE TABLE people (id SERIAL, name VARCHAR(16), age INT);
    2. INSERT INTO people ( name, age ) VALUES ( 'Matt', 38 );
    3. INSERT INTO people ( name, age ) VALUES ( 'Sally', 54 );
    4. INSERT INTO people ( name, age ) VALUES ( 'Zanthar', 4892 );
  3. exit heroku psql with \q
  4. run git push heroku master
  5. run heroku open to see app (note this uses your heroku postgres database, which will have different data than your local db)

Rerunning local after initial set up

Open Postgres app and start the db

In terminal:

  1. Go to repo root dir
  2. Run nodemon

In Browser go to http://localhost:3000/